Monday, October 30, 2006

Halloween Greetings!

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I know that Witches are sometimes meant to be sensual creatures and all that but what's she doing with her left hand?

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If I were a lost spirit on Halloween then this one would definitely scare me away!
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You've probably seen something like this before - however now's an appropriate time. Please do have a good time on your Halloween night out but don't drink too much ok!
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Sorry for the small image - but this is how are advertising for this season. I say they got it right because Samhain festival is in fact partly about a celebration of the cycle of birth and death!
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If you're sending your children out for a trick or treat evening - here's an idea; paint their face as a pumpkin as above and tell them they must come home by a certain time or else the witches will turn them into real pumpkins...
For an insight into the actual history of halloween I recommend you to visit Moon’s Blog.
Wishing you a very Happy Halloween!

Comments from Yahoo 360

(7 total)

:) Interesting and nice blog.

Monday 30 October 2006 - 09:03PM (EST)

naughty boy Phil?? but fab blog lol

Monday 30 October 2006 - 11:21AM (GMT) daughter will be scared away!

Monday 30 October 2006 - 06:09PM (CST)

i cudn't C all U'r pics but i'll take u'r thots on it...

have a safe holiday...

Tuesday 31 October 2006 - 11:42AM (CST)

Thanks Sai. Hopefully you can see all the images now as I've uploaded them individually to photobucket and tagged them from there. That should stop any websites, from where I kindly 'borrowed' these images, from making any rude intrusions!

Wednesday 1 November 2006 - 01:25AM (GMT)

Ahhhh Halloween - such a lovely time of the year!!!

Friday 3 November 2006 - 11:20AM (PST)

ahhh Photobucket... we R such Commoners, again!

Sunday 3 December 2006 - 03:34PM (CST)

Monday, October 23, 2006

Invented Word of the Day: Quintesensual

Invented Word of the Day - Quintesensual - 20061023

True Happiness is experiencing the quintesensual!

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Cor blimey, that Natalie Portman is just so quintesensual!

Definition – from Phil’s Mind


Adjective FORMAL

1: being the most pure and perfect example of something that embodies the characteristics to arouse or excite the senses, especially of passion, sexuality and touch.
2: pertaining to aphrodisiac qualities


Damiana, Fo-Ti-Tieng and Gotu-Kola are quintesensual spices.

I’ve just come back from an all-day beauty and makeover session; what a quintesensual experience that was!

Derived from the words Quintessential and sensual. Possibly coined by Corrinne Jenner and Carol Outram whose website I stumbled across:

They specialise in holistic beauty, well-being, anti-ageing and skincare treatments. If you happen to be in the London area running a business full of stressed out ladies, this could be the website to visit, where you will find they are offering an ‘Office Rescue’ package!

And finally for something QUINTEUPHONIOUS!

This very beautiful video and music piece has already been viewed more than quarter of a million times on Yahoo videos. It's an absolute must to watch and listen to. Please take your time to enjoy it.

This piano piece is called 'Comptine d'un autre été: L'apres midi - by Yann Tiersen'.

It also features in the soundtrack of one of my favourite films: Amelie.

Comments from Yahoo 360

(13 total)

was listening to the piece when your message arrived, its beautiful Phil. I love a lot of classical music, but Opera is my thing, and especially Maria Callas, and Andrea Bocelli and of course the 3 tenors.
I am surely odd, coz i love old rock too xx

Wednesday 25 October 2006 - 09:45AM (BST)

Hmmm...I read, yes I did, I tried to understand (pardon my ignorance) but..hmmm...its not my task to understand right now :D. I admire your "Trade Promotion" for Quinteuphonious!

Wednesday 25 October 2006 - 02:01AM (PDT)

'QUINTEUPHONIOUS' - what does that mean???? I couldn't find that in the online dictionary too...nice video by the way. Is Amelie so good? heard of it, but never saw...

Wednesday 25 October 2006 - 07:31PM (EST)

As I am, perhaps I should have dropped a stronger clue that I invented the word. Since quintessential means 'the perfect example of a type' and euphonious means 'sweet sounding' I put the two together to mean a perfect example of sweet-sounding music. Yes if you like arty films, amelie will be right up your street... Koolbee, that's a good idea, do you think if I patent/copyright the word I could sell it to some organisation in the music trade (wink)! Annwyl, I'd replace the word 'odd' with 'broadly appreciative'! I love Andrea Bocelli's stuff too! He has a beautiful voice.

Wednesday 25 October 2006 - 09:50AM (GMT)

:) no, the smell is all over the blog, may be it is the tired mind refusing to work after a long day!
That is not a bad idea to copyright that, you can earn an extra, or if you are lucky, you can retire:)

I like opera but haven't been much into it. Would be appreciative if you can initiate me with something specific I can listen to...

Wednesday 25 October 2006 - 08:14PM (EST)

  • Koolbee

    lol! At first I had some weird thoughts thou :)) okaya...patent it and be a millionaire! Good luck with your invention. Hope there'll be more in future. (grinning)

Wednesday 25 October 2006 - 03:15AM (PDT)

Absolutely Beautiful!!!I love the piano!my boys use to play ,now they play other instruments...You are a very funny man.,Debbie

Wednesday 25 October 2006 - 10:45AM (EDT)

I love that video much !... Thank you Phillip . Stay happy forever my friends ...

Thursday 26 October 2006 - 11:07AM (ICT)

You have really very good blog my dear, I believe your writing skill is improving day by day.. With love, X

Thursday 26 October 2006 - 02:30PM (GMT)


#1... there's a first time 4 everything! Hercules, Hercules!

Friday 27 October 2006 - 04:45PM (CDT)

Koolbee (uhm.. the name now in Chinese) I don't think I'll be patenting the word but, you know it's really got me thinking some ideas... perhaps you will see more inventions to follow! As I Am, I'll look around for something especially for you... coming soon. Debbie and Sai, thanks for the compliments. Trung, great to chat with you the other night! Thanks for your support. Moon, thank you Dear, loving you always. X

Saturday 28 October 2006 - 11:07AM (GMT)

Wonderful Blog, lil bro! For your friend, try Andrea Bocelli- Sogno. My personal favorite!

Monday 30 October 2006 - 03:49AM (CST)

U of Hertfordshire... reminds me of an older blog post i have... but u'd have 2 B pretty durn bored 2 happen upon it! i don't figure there 2 B any Quocidental moments... but i alwai's have 2 read the Credits and find the sumThin that reaches out 2 me!!!

Thainx as alwai's 4 Being U!

o yeah! 2dai was the first dai that i saw the Video... it was like a Sixth Sense/Saving Private Ryan/Nostalgic Reality Moment!!! ;)

Sunday 3 December 2006 - 03:45PM (CST)

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Forest for Sale - Only $12,466

I was just doing my usual lunchtime reading of the UK's Daily Telegraph - thank my lucky stars for the internet - and I came across an interesting article in it today about clearing our conscience of nappy guilt. But before you click on the link below to the article, please read on:

Get planting and give your nappy guilt a rest

We're talking here about the disposable kind that takes half a millenium to decompose, so that if there had been disposables nappies in the time of Henry VIII, then we could safely conclude that his royal nappies would have just about fully decomposed by now... Phew - to think that his smell would have been lingering all this time would make my bones shudder while sitting on the throne!

With millions of us parents using these dreadful disposables, I could reckon, we have generated enough to make a mountain higher than Everest... whoa, what a stench that would make huh!

Anyway, about that article, it says if we plant 7 trees, it will remove the same amount of greenhouse gas as would be generated by a baby wearing disposable nappies for 2½ years.

So folks, if you're planning on adding some tiny patters to your family, you need to plant 7 trees for every baby critter you give birth to at a cost of £1.43 per tree ($2.64), and you then can salve your precious conscience!

As an alternative, you could opt for towel nappies, but if you do, you'll have to wash'em by hand, because the electricity consumed by a washing machine to wash those towel nappies, will give almost the same contribution in greenhouse gases.

Sadly, nappies are the least of our problems, when it comes to greenhouse gases...

Aeroplanes and cars are very big greenhouse gas culprits too. The article showed an interesting diagram to illustrate how many trees we each individually need to plant to compensate for the greenhouse gas created by our indulgences.

Here's the diagram:


The round trip flight to Orlando by the way is from the UK.

Anyways, I sat down and calculated just how many trees I would need to plant, to compensate for my indulgent living of using cars, taxis and planes during my working lifetime:

Cars and taxis at 12,000 miles per year for 40 years = 1520 trees

Planes; For my work I do about six long haul flights a year + say about another 6 short haul flights, so let's say one round trip to orlando = 1 long haul flight and half a round trip to orlando for one short haul flight.
That's equal to 9 round trip flights to orlando a year at let's say for 40 years = 5760 trees

For good measure, I should add another 1000 trees, to compensate for my indulgent use of electricity; for washing machines, hot baths and showers, tv, laptop, various DIY tools etc,.

That's a grand total of 8260 trees required to clear my wee sensitive conscience of guilt at a cost of £6,738 ($12,466).

THAT'S A GREAT BIG BLOODY FOREST!! It's time to live on the Moon man!

Comments from Yahoo 360

(5 total)

If everybody would plant just a 100 trees, this world would be different.

Saturday 21 October 2006 - 06:14AM (CEST)

I got a big kick out of reading your blog--- whew!! Talk about massive guilt about our consumption in the USA..... Do you read former Vice President Al Gore's material?

Saturday 21 October 2006 - 08:45PM (PDT)

Adrii, you are absolutely right that if everyone donated enough to plant 100 trees, the world would certainly become a very different place 40 years from now, and an elimination of the greenhouse gases well under way. Susan, glad you got a big kick out of the blog! My aim was to make people aware in a light hearted way of just how our lifestyles are impacting on our environment.

Sunday 22 October 2006 - 12:14PM (GMT)


Saturday 28 October 2006 - 01:10AM (CDT)

that Damn Moon, again!

seaux, now i am curious...

R U an Electric Car driving, Composting, Green~Phil?

Sunday 3 December 2006 - 03:54PM (CST)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

What's in a kiss?

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Have you ever wondered why we kiss? Next time you ever fancy to do the anatomical juxtaposition of your orbicularis oris muscles into contraction, with the same on the one you dearly love, give that question a brief thought!

Eh? What was that?

I said, next time you kiss your lover, ask yourself why we kiss.

Or, to use the words of the 19th century French poet Victor Hugo: "How did it happen that their lips came together?"

The answer is they exercised all 34 facial muscles… and another 112 postural ones for good measure… engaged the ventral intraparietal area… turned their heads to the right and moved forward in one smooth movement… and then applied suction.

Wow! Amazing innit!!

According to today’s Daily Telegraph, for that remarkable miracle, we can apparently pay tribute to a 125 million-year-old, climbing-ratlike mammal called an Eomaia scansoria.

Did you know? When you do the ‘natural’ kiss (the one briefly described above) you will exchange a culture… of bacteria – zillions of the little rascals! But, hey, don’t panic because 80% of these little creatures are already common to the two kissers, and as for the other 20% of the new nasties, it’s even better news because they help your body to generate more anti-bodies, therefore improving your immune system.

So you if wanna be more healthy guys – get kissin’ more often.

And there’s a bonus for your pearlies too! Kissing stimulates your saliva which helps fight against the build up of plaque on your teeth. Want less visits to the dentist? Then get kissin’ guys!

Here’s an idea for those of you Vietnamese readers who enjoy picking up a tooth pick after your meal (I call it a cocktail stick!); why not also spend an hour or two kissing your partner? It just might be a better alternative to enameling your teeth black!!

The smooching news just keeps on getting better… if you’re feeling depressed or stressed, go fall in love and enjoy a real passionate kiss… for you know that gooey feeling you get when you lovingly kiss creates an adrenaline rush and those endorphins (chemicals in the brain) help to combat the stress hormone hydrocortisone thereby helping to reduce your cholesterol.

Kissing also burns up calories by the exercising of all those facial muscles (all 34 of them) helping to keep your face looking young and fresh for years to come!

And you don't have to listen to my words of wisdom - you just need to get kissing, for according to e.e.cummings; "kisses are a better fate than wisdom."

Finally, I say to you to y'all the words of Francis Beaumont; "Let's Kiss till the Cows come Home!"

Comments from Yahoo 360

(7 total)

Terrific !!!

Tuesday 17 October 2006 - 11:16PM (BST)

Wonderful! I love kiss and being kiss! XXX

Wednesday 18 October 2006 - 11:31AM (ICT)


Wednesday 18 October 2006 - 12:04PM (GMT)

my Dear sweet Moon, please come back soon, then we can swoon, a kiss by noon!

Wednesday 18 October 2006 - 01:21PM (GMT)

wanna kiss so much, but poor me, I havent got a lover yet!!!!*|*

Thursday 19 October 2006 - 08:07PM (ICT)

thainx i alwai's love 2 hear of new reasons 2 get N2 the Quintesensual mood!!!

Friday 27 October 2006 - 04:49PM (CDT)

Truong Minh, your time will come don't worry! Thanks Sai, hope that you will enjoy your quintesensual moments! [wink]

Saturday 28 October 2006 - 12:10PM (GMT)

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Wedding Party and Tuan Chau Island Photos

Our Wedding Party and Tuan Chau Island Photos

I'm back at last... it's been more than two weeks since the last blog entry so it was high time to do something.

Moon and I went back to Vietnam on September 29th for the Autumn Festival break. Although we got married in the legal sense earlier this summer in Tobermory, Scotland, a wedding party was organised by Moon's family for Tuesday October 3rd in Hanoi. We also took a short break to Tuan Chau Island which is near to Halong Bay and not more than 3 hours drive from Hanoi.

Hope you will enjoy browsing through them.

To control the speed use the + & - buttons and to halt the slide click on the pause button. My comments will appear as you run your mouse over the picture.

Comments from Yahoo 360

(10 total)

You've surely got a great time !... Happy always to you both ...

Saturday 14 October 2006 - 01:19PM (ICT)

Thanks. We certainly did. Also thanks for introducing me to!

Saturday 14 October 2006 - 06:34AM (GMT)

Congrats Phil! Your Moon's name is Hang right? hehe cute nickname for her :D Wish you two a long happy life together ^___^

Saturday 14 October 2006 - 12:50AM (PDT)

wow wow wow congratulations to you two ^^ this is really a memorable time ^__^ wish you guys happiness always ;)

Sunday 15 October 2006 - 01:15AM (ICT)

Congrats Phil, wish you two linving together everlasting!!!:D

Sunday 15 October 2006 - 07:03PM (ICT)

happy forever ... all the best for u guys ...

Wednesday 18 October 2006 - 03:04PM (EST)

congrats.... All the best to you two

Saturday 21 October 2006 - 08:35AM (ICT)

Congrats on your marriage :) Did the dinner last longer than the one hour regulation Vietnamese wedding? :P

Friday 27 October 2006 - 09:04PM (ICT)

Boi roi, That was one thing that surprised me about the wedding. It was over so quickly! It went from 4.30pm until 6pm for most guests. By contrast we were at the wedding studio for album photos from 4pm until 1.30am!!

Saturday 28 October 2006 - 12:16PM (GMT)

i have 1000's of questyions!!!!

Sunday 3 December 2006 - 04:09PM (CST)