Sunday, December 10, 2006

You Dolt!

You wrote down the wrong address!!

Now how am I ever going to let him go?

And he keeps singin' to me...

I'll never let you go, little darlin'.
I'm so sorry 'cause I made you cry.
I'll never let you go, 'cause I love you.
So please don't ever say good-bye.

The stars would tumble down beside me,
The MOON would hang its head and cry.
My arms would never hold another baby doll
If we should ever say good-bye.

Well, I'll never let you go,
Because I love you, pretty baby.
I'm so sorry 'cause I made you cry.
I made you cry.
Yeah, I'll never let you go,
'Cause I love you, little baby.
So please don't ever say good-bye.


Help me someone pleasssssssssssssse help meeeeeeeeeeeee!

He doesn't seem to know that I wasn't crying about him...

Have A Wonderful Yuletide & Winter Solstice!

Sunday 10 December 2006 - 02:38PM (GMT) Edit | Delete


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sorry for my ignorance Phil, but who is he? xx

Sunday 10 December 2006 - 05:14PM (GMT) Remove Comment

Annwyl - you can be forgiven for your ignorance - since it is quite poor by Mdme Tussauds usual standards! It's supposed to be none other than the King of Rock! I guess, here being China, quality doesn't rock!

Monday 11 December 2006 - 01:12AM (GMT)

Hmmm, this feels like deja Vu?

**I read surprise
In your eyes
You think I might leave

But where would I go
What would I do
Theres no one else like you **

Sunday 10 December 2006 - 07:16PM (CST)

give him a peanut butter-banana sandwich, he'll be fine...

Monday 11 December 2006 - 09:49PM (CST)

ok, peanut butter-banana sandwich... I'll give it a try!

Going back in time does give you that Deja Vu effect Sai!

Tuesday 12 December 2006 - 04:10AM (GMT)


Monday 11 December 2006 - 10:10PM (PST)

So THAT's where he got to! (falling down laughing)

LOL, last time I saw him was at a laundrymat down on 51st.

You watch out for him, he's a real hound dog!

Wednesday 20 December 2006 - 02:43PM (EST)

For the kind soul who posted an HTML tag to my comments here... I have kindly put it into the blog. Wishing you and your wonderful family a warm winter solstice also ;-)

Thursday 21 December 2006 - 01:56PM (GMT)

Merry Christmas ...

Sunday 24 December 2006 - 11:18AM (ICT)

well i think its really funny lol

Thursday 4 January 2007 - 05:42PM (MST)

Friday, December 8, 2006

I want to Fly Away!

Quote from the film: Chicken Run

Rocky: You see, flying takes three things: Hard work, perseverance and... hard work.
Fowler: You said "hard work" twice!
Rocky: That's because it takes twice as much as pereseverance

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Feeeeel the FEAAAAAR... and FLY!

I have adapted the following from the song ‘Fly Away’ by Lenny Kravitz.

This is a piece where 4 year old Quillie sings out to his older brother Quindo

Quindo I want to fly
Into the sky
So really quigh
Like you Quindo can fly

I'd fly in the soft breeze
Over the trees in dungarees
To everywhere I squeeze

Oh my Quindo, fly away
I want to fly all day
Yeah oh yeah

Oh my Quindo, fly away
I want to fly all day
Yeah oh yeah

Quindo don’t tell Quama

Nor jolly say to even Pa
Secret could just be ours

Let's fly today with Qu’on
Let our spirits fly
Where we are quon
Oh for a bit d’ fun
Quindo, oh yeah !

Oh Quindo, fly away
I want to fly all day
Yeah oh yeah

Oh Quindo, fly away
I want to fly all day
Yeah oh yeah

I got to fly away
See I got to fly away
Oh yeah oh yeah

I want to fly away
I want to fly all day
Yeah with you yeah yeah
Oh Yeah !

I want to fly away
I want to fly all day
Yeah with you yeah yeah
Oh Quindo fly away

I want to fly away (4x)
I want to fly away
I want to fly all day
Yeah with you yeah yeah
I got to fly away

I want to fly away (4x)

I want to fly away
I want to fly all day
Yeah with you
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

More BRILLIANT hen mania quotes...

Ginger: So laying eggs all your life and then getting plucked, stuffed and roasted is good enough for you, is it?
Babs: It's a livin'.

[Babs has fainted from a near-death experience]
Babs: All me life flashed before me eyes.
Babs: It was really borin'.

[the chickens are panicking]
Ginger: Ladies, please. Let's not lose our heads.
Bunty: Lose our heads? Aaaahh.

Babs: Morning, Ginger. Back from holiday?
Ginger: I wasn't on holiday, Babs. I was in solitary confinement.
Babs: Oh, it's nice to get a bit of time to yourself, isn't it?

Bunty: In all my life, I've never heard such a fantastic load of tripe. Oh, face the facts, ducks. The chances of us getting out of here are a million to one.
Ginger: Then there's still a chance.

Ginger: Listen. We'll either die free chickens or we die trying.
Babs: Are those the only choices?

Rocky: Now, the most important thing is, we have to work as a team, which means: you do everything I tell you.

Fetcher: Birds of a feather flop together.

Babs: I don't want to be a pie. I don't like gravy.

Fowler: Pushy Americans, always showing up late for every war. Overpaid, oversexed, and over here.

[the plane reels as Mrs. Tweedy hangs on to it]
Fowler: Great Scott, what was that?
Mac: A cling-on, Cap'n, and the engines can't take it.

[on the chickens' plane before take-off]
Nick: The exits are located here and here. In the quite likely event of an emergency, put your head between your knees...
Fetcher: ?and kiss your bum goodbye!

Fowler: We need more power.
Mac: I cannot work miracles, cap'n. We're giving her all she's got.

Rocky: What's eating Grandpa?

[after being asked where he's from]
Rocky: Oh, just a little place I call the land of the free and the home of the brave...
Mac: Scotland!
Rocky: No! America.

[last lines]
Nick: Here's a thought. Why don't we get an egg and start our own chicken farm? That way we'd have all the eggs we could eat.
Fetcher: Right. We'll need a chicken, then.
Nick: No... no, we'll need an egg. You have the egg first, that's where you get the chicken from.
Fetcher: No, that's cobblers. If you don't have a chicken, where are you going to get the egg?
Nick: From the chicken that comes from the egg.
Fetcher: Yeah, but you have to have an egg to have a chicken.
Nick: Yeah, but you've got to get the chicken first to get the egg, and then you get the egg... to get the chicken out of...
Fetcher: Hang on, let's go over this again.

Nick: Poultry in Motion.

Mr. Tweedy: [being attacked by chickens] Mrs Tweedy! The chickens are revolting!
Mrs. Tweedy: [not paying attention] Finally something we agree on.

Rocky: [Presenting himself] You see, I'm a traveller by nature. I did that whole barnyard thing for a while but I couldn't really get into it.
[to one of the chickens]
Rocky: Hi, how are you?
[she swoons and faints, Rocky continues]
Rocky: Nope! The open road, that's more my style. Yep, just give me a pack on my back and point me where the wind blows. In fact, you know what they call me back home? You're gonna love this: The Lone Free Ranger.

[watching the chickens trying to fly]
Nick: What's this caper, love?
Babs: We're *flyin'*!
Nick: [cynically] Obviously.
Nick: Flamin' 'ell! Hey, look at this, Fetch.
Fetcher: They're gonna kill themselves... wanna watch?
[Nick thinks for a moment]
Nick: Yeah, all right.

Nick: What are you sobbin' about, you nancy?
Fetcher: Little moments like this, mate. It's what makes the job all worthwhile. Wanna dance?
[Nick stares at Fetcher for a long moment]
Nick: Yeah, all right.

[after the reason for Rocky's flying ability is discovered]
Mac: A cannon. Aye, *that* would give ye thrust.

Rocky: [to Ginger after being put against the wall] You know, you're the first chick I ever met with the shell still on.

Mrs. Tweedy: They're *chickens*, you dolt. Apart from you, they're the most stupid creatures on this planet. They don't plot, they don't scheme, and they are *not* organized.

Ginger: Think, everyone, think. What *haven't* we tried yet?
Bunty: We haven't tried *not* trying to escape.
Babs: Hmm. *That* might work.

[telling Rocky about a caper]
Nick: We slipped into the farmer's room, all quiet like.
Fetcher: Like a fish.
Nick: Yeah, and we..."Like a fish"? You stupid Norbert.

[Fowler is forced to share his bunk with Rocky]
Fowler: Absolutely outrageous! Asking a senior officer to share his quarters and with a noncommissioned Yank, no less. Why, back in my day, I'd never...
Rocky: Hey! You weren't exactly *my* first choice, either. And scoot over. Your wing's on my side of the bunk.
Fowler: *Your* side of the bunk? The *whole bunk* is my side of the bunk!
Rocky: [snapping back] Just... What's that smell? Is that your breath?
Fowler: It's absolutely outrageous.

[after the chickens have escaped in The Crate and the pie machine has exploded]
Mr. Tweedy: I told you they was organised.

Rocky: Wait a minute. Let me get this straight. You wanna get every chicken in this place out of here *at the same time*?
Ginger: Of course.
Rocky: You're certifiable! You can't pull off a stunt like that. That's suicide.
Ginger: Where there's a will, there's a way.
Rocky: Couldn't agree more. And I *will* be leaving *that* way.

[escaping from circus, after being shot out of a cannon]
Rocky: [shouts] Freeeeeeeeeeeedom.

[Fowler is hesitant about piloting the Crate]
Ginger: Fowler, you *have* to fly it. You're always talking about "back in your day". Well, *today* is your day.
[Ginger extends to Fowler his medal]
Bunty: [encouraging] You can do it, you old sausage.
[Fowler stares at the medal for a moment, takes it, and salutes Ginger]
Fowler: Wing Commander T.I. Fowler, reporting for duty.

Rocky: [lands in dough] D'oh. Get it? Dough!
Ginger: I'm stuck!

Rocky: [Ginger falls down a chute] Oh, shoot!
Ginger: [falling] Rocky!
Rocky: I'll be down before you can say...
[spots something about to be dumped on him]
Rocky: ..."mixed vegetables"!

Fowler: Good grief! The turnip's bought it!

[Ginger slaps Rocky]
Ginger: *That's* for leaving.
[pulls him close]
Ginger: And *this* is for coming back.

[encouraging after a failed day of "flying"]
Rocky: Ducky, I think you flew four feet today!
Nick: Right, four feet! From the roof to the ground.

Rocky: Ouch! What happened to my wing?
Ginger: You took a rather nasty fall.
Mac: [very fast, in strong Scottish accent] And sprained the anterior tendon connecting your radius to your humerus. I gave her a wee bit of a tweak, Jimmy, and wrapped her up.
Rocky: Was that English?

Nick: Eggs from heaven.
Fetcher: No, from her bum.

Fowler: Increase velocity!
Babs: What does that mean?
Bunty: It means pedal your flippin' giblets out!

[after Rocky leaves]
Babs: Perhaps he just went on holiday.
Bunty: Perhaps he just went to get away from your infernal knitting!
[Bunty grabs Babs' knitting, throws it on the ground, and stomps on it]
Mac: Well, you were the one that was always hitting him. Let's see how you like it.
[Mac shoves Bunty]
Bunty: Don't push me, four-eyes.
[other chickens start fighting]

Ginger: We can't give you our eggs. They're too valuable.
Nick: And so are we.
[Packing up to leave]
Nick: After you, Fetcher.
Fetcher: After I what?
Nick: Move!

Rocky: Listen. Shh. You hear that?
Rocky: That's the open road calling my name, and I was born to answer that call. Bye.
[he leaves]
Babs: He must have very good hearing.

[Rocky is about to be found by the circus]
Ginger: [black-mailing him] Teach us to fly and we'll hide you.
Rocky: And if I don't?
[Ginger pulls breath to squawk]
Rocky: [stops her] Was your father by any chance a vulture?

[Bunty is about to be shot out of a slingshot]
Fetcher: The tension's killing me.
Nick: It's gonna kill her.

Rocky: Easy, Pops. Cockfighting is illegal where I come from.

Rocky: ...And the pig says to the horse, "Hey, fella. Why the long face?"

[walking in on a jazz party]
Fowler: Now see here! I, I don't recall authorising a hop!
Bunty: Oh, shut up and dance!

Mr. Tweedy: Me tools! Why you thieving little buggers!
Mac: What's the plan?
Ginger: Attack!
[the chickens tackle Mr. Tweedy]
Bunty: Nice plan.

Ginger: I thought you were teaching us how to fly.
Rocky: That's what I'm doing.
Ginger: Isn't there usually some flapping involved?
Rocky: Hey, do I tell you how to lay eggs?

Ginger: I don't know, Mac. I have a bad feeling about this. Whatever is in those boxes is for us, and I don't think it's softer hay.

Mac: Right, we tried going under the fence, and that didn't work. So the plan now is, we go over it.
[Unveils the model catapult]
Mac: [Holds up turnip chicken] This is us, right? We go in here, like this, wind her up, and let her go!
[Catapult sends turnip flying into wall; chickens cluck frantically]

Ginger: [after she overturns the trough] Something is wrong here. Can't you see it? Strange boxes arrive during the night, Babs lays no eggs and they don't take her to the chop, and now they're giving us extra food. Don't you see? They're fattening us up. They're going to kill us all.
[Chickens gulp aprehensively]

Hen: And what brings you to England, Mr Rhodes?
Rocky: Why, all the beautiful English chicks, of course.

[on finding out Rocky can't fly. Inside joke, see Trivia]
Babs: I knew he was fake all along. In fact, I'm not even certain he was American.

Rocky: [angry at Ginger] Listen! I've met some hard-boiled eggs in my day, but I'd say you're about 20 minutes!

Rocky: Is there a problem here?
Ginger: [rhetorically] Have we flown over that fence?
Rocky: Not quite.
Ginger: Then there's a problem.

Ginger: We need some more things.
Nick: Right you are, miss.
[opens suitcase and pulls out thimbles]
Nick: How about this quality, handcrafted tea set?
Ginger: No, thanks.
Fetcher: [holding a drain plug on a chain] Or this lovely necklace and pendant?
Ginger: It's love...
Nick: [holding a shuttlecock] Or this little number that's all the rage in the most fashionable coops in Paree? Simply pop it on like so...
[pops it on Ginger's head, feathers side up]
Nick: ?And as the French hens say, "Voilá!"
Fetcher: That is French.
Nick: It's two hats in one, miss. For parties...
[turns shuttlecock over]
Nick: For weddings. Oh, madame! This makes you look like a vision, like a dream.
Fetcher: Like a duck.

[Fetcher and Nick are stealing tools, and are hiding in gnomes as they move about, while Mr. Tweedy is working and steal the tools and start walking away and Mr. Tweedy notices]
Mr. Tweedy: So, gnomes now, is it?

Mac: [very rapidly, with a thick Scottish accent] Thrust! I went over my calculations, hen, and I forgot the key element missing is thrust!
Rocky: [after a long pause] I didn't get a word of that.
Mac: Thrust. Other birds, like ducks and geese, when they take off, what do they have?
Mac: Thrust!
Rocky: I swear she ain't using real words.
Ginger: She said we need more thrust.
Rocky: Oh, thrust! Of course we need thrust. Why, thrust and flying are, well, like this.
[crosses fingers]
Rocky: See, that's flying and that's thrust.

Babs: Chicken seed, my favourite!

Mr. Tweedy: What... what... what's all this, then?
Mrs. Tweedy: This is our future, Mr. Tweedy. No more wasting time with petty egg collecting and minuscule profits.
Mr. Tweedy: No more eggs? But we've always been egg farmers. My father, and his father, and all their fathers, they was all...
Mrs. Tweedy: Poor... Worthless... Nothings! But all that is about to change. This will take Tweedy's farm out of the Dark Ages and into full-scale automated production. Elisha Tweedy will be poor no longer.

Rocky: Guys, you are without a doubt the sneakiest, most light-fingered thieving parasites I've ever met.
Nick: [flattered] Oh, don't, don't. Stop it!
Fetcher: I've gone bright red.

Rocky: Sleep tight, angel face. The Rock is on the case.

[Rocky is hiding uncomfortably beneath Ginger's nest while the farmer is searching for him]
Ginger: Comfortable?
Rocky: Nice hideout. Ouch! I had more room in my egg.

Nick: Eggs. Just like the ones that rooster was gonna lay. Only roosters don't lay eggs, do they?
Fetcher: Don't they?
Nick: No, it's a lady thing apparently - ask your mum.

Ginger: You know what the problem is? The fences aren't just round the farm. They're up here, in you heads. There's a better place out there, somewhere beyond that hill, and it has wide open places, and lots of trees... and grass. Can you imagine that? Cool, green grass.
Hen: Who feeds us?
Ginger: We feed ourselves.
Hen: Where's the farm?
Ginger: There is no farm.
Babs: Then, where does the farmer live?
Ginger: There is no farmer, Babs.
Babs: Is he on holiday?
Ginger: He isn't anywhere! Don't you get it? There's no morning head count, no farmers, no dogs and coops and keys, and no fences.
Bunty: In all my life I've never heard such a fantastic... load of tripe!

Nick: [about the radio] Well, here she is. Ask and you shall receive.
Fetcher: That's biblical.
Nick: That's real craftmanship, is what it is. Solid as a rock.
[Fetcher bangs on it; a knob flies off and hits a chicken]
Fetcher: It's supposed to do that.

Rocky: What's happening? What's going on?
Babs: They took Ginger, Mr. Rhodes! They're taking her to the chop!
Fowler: Well, what are you waiting for, laddie? Fly over there. Save her!
Rocky: Of course - no, No! That's just what they'd expect. But I say we give them the old element of surprise.
Fowler: And catch Jerry with his trousers down. I like the sound of that. What's the plan?
Rocky: The plan... um, the plan. The plan! Uh - Babs, give me that thing. Bunty, give me a boost.

Ginger: Um, I just wanted to say, I may have been a bit harsh at first. Well, what I really mean is, thank you, for saving my life. For saving our lives. You know, I come up here every night and look out to that hill, and imagine what it must be like on the other side. It's funny, I've - heh - I've never actually felt grass beneath my feet. I'm sorry. Here I am rambling on about hills and grass, and you had something you wanted to say.
Rocky: Uh, y-yeah. Um, it's just that, you know... life as I've experienced it - you know, out there lone free rangin' and stuff - it's, uh... it's full of dissapointment, and, uh...
Ginger: What, you mean grass isn't all it's cracked up to be?
Rocky: Grass! Exactly, grass. It's always greener on the other side, and then you get there, and it's brown and prickly. You see what I'm trying to say?
[Ginger starts nodding yes, but then shakes her head]
Rocky: What I'm trying to say is... you're welcome.
Ginger: You know, that hill is looking closer tonight than it ever has before.
[Ginger accidentally touches Rocky's hand and they both pull away, embarrased]
Ginger: Well, good night, Rocky.
Rocky: Good night, Ginger.

Fowler: Keep pedalling! We're not there yet! You can't see paradise if you don't pedal!

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Comment from Yahoo 360

(6 total)

I'm pedaling as fast as I can.....:)

Great movie, isn't it?

Friday 8 December 2006 - 01:22PM (CST)

Hahahaha..I like this one: "Rocky: [angry at Ginger] Listen! I've met some hard-boiled eggs in my day, but I'd say you're about 20 minutes"..

Friday 8 December 2006 - 02:48PM (CST)

well that's weird... the word of the dai @ my place was Ginger!

Hmmm, i qonder what that means?

Friday 8 December 2006 - 06:29PM (CST)

Sai; gingerly i say unto u it must b the MystaBeWilderMent gift. ;-)

Saturday 9 December 2006 - 01:46AM (GMT)

i finally read the whole dang thang.... i noticed that the windBlowed and realized that only PeterPan can teach us how 2 fly...'Think Happy Thoughts'...
i also was reminded that the grass isn't really always greener on the other side...
i think that is why it is better 2 stay on your rightful side and peer N2 your imagination what it could be like or what even your Ruby (or whatever U call it) might already believe strongly how the other grass pheels between U'r toes...
speaking of Toes... !!!

Sunday 10 December 2006 - 04:43AM (CST)

Speaking of Toes - I think I'll buy Happy Feet on DVD here - it will only set me back... ohhh about 80 US cents!

Sunday 10 December 2006 - 02:44PM (GMT)

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Who's Bowler Bill?

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There's a friend over the pond

With whom I'm terribly fond

A Question she asked one lunchtime

Prompted me to make this rhyme

I'm pondering about my Will

And wondering who's Bowler Bill?

They said he hated monkeys chatter

And the Admiralty that shatter

He had the true courage of a hero

Ruined by hearts as cold as Nero

A man of gold with an air of arrogance

Sailing the old path of a narrow dance!

Story of Bowler Bill

Note to my family members: there's information here that leads me to think there's a vague possibility that this hero is more closely related to us than I first thought given that he was born in Everton. Definitely worth investigating!

Comments from Yahoo 360

(5 total)

Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak. Sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go. ~Author Unknown

Friday 8 December 2006 - 12:26AM (CST)

i think he died angry...
i don't think he was arrogant.
i think he had a mysterious confidence about him!!!!

Friday 8 December 2006 - 01:02AM (CST)

I agree... entirely! That's why I called him a man of gold. I'm guessing he might have had an air of arrogance rather than actual arrogance.

Friday 8 December 2006 - 07:11AM (GMT)

i got 2 thinkin 'bout Bowler Bill 2night while in Kansas with Elvis and the Wizard of Oz crew while at WalMart... and i think that his air of arrogance became him because he was such a do gooder trying to save the world via the boating life... and since he was like the all american(or whatever he was) hero unlike the not so courageous mass of men, that he ... i think it was a matter of common sense vs. lack of courage to him... and so i think U r right ...

sorry, it thot seaux better n Kansas earlier than i could get it on paper!

Tuesday 12 December 2006 - 12:57AM (CST)

by the way, i also saw Elvis and Will Turner in a restaurant called Cattleman's in Kansas tonight! this was before i thot about Bowler Bill, though?

Tuesday 12 December 2006 - 12:58AM (CST)