Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Who's Bowler Bill?

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There's a friend over the pond

With whom I'm terribly fond

A Question she asked one lunchtime

Prompted me to make this rhyme

I'm pondering about my Will

And wondering who's Bowler Bill?

They said he hated monkeys chatter

And the Admiralty that shatter

He had the true courage of a hero

Ruined by hearts as cold as Nero

A man of gold with an air of arrogance

Sailing the old path of a narrow dance!

Story of Bowler Bill

Note to my family members: there's information here that leads me to think there's a vague possibility that this hero is more closely related to us than I first thought given that he was born in Everton. Definitely worth investigating!

Comments from Yahoo 360

(5 total)

Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak. Sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go. ~Author Unknown

Friday 8 December 2006 - 12:26AM (CST)

i think he died angry...
i don't think he was arrogant.
i think he had a mysterious confidence about him!!!!

Friday 8 December 2006 - 01:02AM (CST)

I agree... entirely! That's why I called him a man of gold. I'm guessing he might have had an air of arrogance rather than actual arrogance.

Friday 8 December 2006 - 07:11AM (GMT)

i got 2 thinkin 'bout Bowler Bill 2night while in Kansas with Elvis and the Wizard of Oz crew while at WalMart... and i think that his air of arrogance became him because he was such a do gooder trying to save the world via the boating life... and since he was like the all american(or whatever he was) hero unlike the not so courageous mass of men, that he ... i think it was a matter of common sense vs. lack of courage to him... and so i think U r right ...

sorry, it thot seaux better n Kansas earlier than i could get it on paper!

Tuesday 12 December 2006 - 12:57AM (CST)

by the way, i also saw Elvis and Will Turner in a restaurant called Cattleman's in Kansas tonight! this was before i thot about Bowler Bill, though?

Tuesday 12 December 2006 - 12:58AM (CST)

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