Monday, October 30, 2006

Halloween Greetings!

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I know that Witches are sometimes meant to be sensual creatures and all that but what's she doing with her left hand?

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If I were a lost spirit on Halloween then this one would definitely scare me away!
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You've probably seen something like this before - however now's an appropriate time. Please do have a good time on your Halloween night out but don't drink too much ok!
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Sorry for the small image - but this is how are advertising for this season. I say they got it right because Samhain festival is in fact partly about a celebration of the cycle of birth and death!
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If you're sending your children out for a trick or treat evening - here's an idea; paint their face as a pumpkin as above and tell them they must come home by a certain time or else the witches will turn them into real pumpkins...
For an insight into the actual history of halloween I recommend you to visit Moon’s Blog.
Wishing you a very Happy Halloween!

Comments from Yahoo 360

(7 total)

:) Interesting and nice blog.

Monday 30 October 2006 - 09:03PM (EST)

naughty boy Phil?? but fab blog lol

Monday 30 October 2006 - 11:21AM (GMT) daughter will be scared away!

Monday 30 October 2006 - 06:09PM (CST)

i cudn't C all U'r pics but i'll take u'r thots on it...

have a safe holiday...

Tuesday 31 October 2006 - 11:42AM (CST)

Thanks Sai. Hopefully you can see all the images now as I've uploaded them individually to photobucket and tagged them from there. That should stop any websites, from where I kindly 'borrowed' these images, from making any rude intrusions!

Wednesday 1 November 2006 - 01:25AM (GMT)

Ahhhh Halloween - such a lovely time of the year!!!

Friday 3 November 2006 - 11:20AM (PST)

ahhh Photobucket... we R such Commoners, again!

Sunday 3 December 2006 - 03:34PM (CST)

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