Friday, July 18, 2008

Water, water, water everywhere...

After spending about 21 minutes in the shower this morning...

I stumbled across this article in the news:

Britons spend more time in the shower than any other Europeans - up to 20 minutes EVERY day

I have to say I love my showers, baths, spas and times swimming. Water is a great medium to have in contact with my skin. Very therapeutic.

Richard Pike however gives us a ticking off for such indulgences:

But RSC chief executive Richard Pike was far from impressed at such cleanliness. He warned: 'We have to take on board that water is a precious resource and in the years to come it is going to become increasingly scarce.

"We can save water massively by using less when washing, without compromising hygiene.

"One should be able to shower thoroughly in a couple of minutes. We hear stories of people staying in the shower for half an hour at a time, which is absurd and self-indulgent. They say that it helps them relax.

"If we had a population of five million and not 60 million such self-indulgence might be tolerable.

"But today, with the world facing water shortages, that simply doesn't wash."

Well, what he says doesn't wash with me. Our planet is 75% water even if most of it is salted. The fact that there are nations in drout and countries with inadequate water management and distribution, doesn't mean we should have to conserve every bloody drop that comes out of our taps. Since we are an advanced species I believe we have the brains and know-how to develop technologies that can enable us to manage and distribute sufficient water supplies to every person on the planet. In the course time we will find ways to do so in increasingly more efficient and environmentally friendly ways.

I'll get off my soapbox now... and grab a bar of soap from under it... because I'm off to soak in a nice deep hot bath.

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