Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Answer is Within You

This song is a dedication to Chris and Zelda who are getting married in a week's time. These two are great friends of mine. I want people to know I think they are a fantastic couple and I'm extremely proud of them both and very honoured to be their friends. I'm looking forward to the being at the wedding very much. I hope they will have a fantastic wedding and one that they will remember for the rest of their lives together. This Ray Lamontagne song might be a bit on the soppy side for their tastes I'm not really sure, but sticking fingers down your throat is absolutely not permitted on this page ... at least it's the thought that counts. As for the video I can only say I'm not a great watcher of American tv so I have to admit I've no idea what it is.

War is not the answer
The answer is within you
Love Love Love Love

War is not the answer
The answer is within you
Love Love Love Love (repeat to end)

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