Friday, August 11, 2006

Falling from Cloud 9 - It's a mighty drop!

From feeling on top of the world i'm suddenly shaken and right down at the bottom again. How the smallest and seemingly most trivial things in life can suddenly trip you up and dismantle the considerable efforts i put into getting to the top.

Today's picture is rude i'm afraid but it helped me to smile a bit more.

Comments from Yahoo 360:

(1 total)

interestingly enuf that was the dai before my 40th my birthdai. most people remember their 40th as it is a big milestone. my PTSD has helped me NOT remember, i guess. i didn't live my humble abusive abode until septemeber 17th.

o wait!

i just had a remission or something... i do remember my children taking me 2 an Italian restaurant, their treat! that was good...

does this mean i am healing if i can remember something from those dais?

speaking of being screwed!

Sunday 28 January 2007 - 10:45AM (CST)

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