Tuesday, August 8, 2006

The Quindo's First Quill Marks on Blogger

Welcome to my first post on Blogger.

I am a liberal minded philosophical entity with an agnostical approach to life - whatever that may mean!

My aim here is to write about my observations of life and to share some of my views.
Often times this will be done with a sense of humour and less occasionally with a sombre tone.

Happiness is my greatest virtue and Humanity is my greatest fascination (an amateur anthropologist if you like). I am filled with a passion and love for people, for knowledge, and for truth.

I love finding out new things, exploring historys in depth, and striving with my little bird-brain to have a better grasp of the sciences.

What you will read in the posts to follow I hope will often bring a smile to your face, leave you with some challenging thoughts, and even prompt to provide some feedback by way of comments.

Finally, this blog has a Lucky Mascot called Quindo - a blue feathered dodo. The essence of the philosophies and aims presented by the Quill of the Quindo are an integral part of the Qu'ove Revolution©.

Looking forward to you joining in with me to have lots of fun and stimulating discussions.

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