Monday, February 5, 2007

Who I am

I was digging through some old archive folders of mine and found an Astrological profile report that I had generated from the internet over 5 years ago.

Now as far as believing in anything like astrology I have always remained a firm skeptic. Nevertheless, everytime I have read this profile of mine I have always been completely baffled at how this report is so accurately ME! All I provided for this report was my date and time of birth and location of birth.

The following Report was generated in 2002.

How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others

You are a natural diplomat, reasonable, tolerant, fair, always willing to listen to varying viewpoints, and ready to see the other side of an issue.

Even if you strongly disagree with someone, you will try to find

points of similarity and agreement rather than emphasizing the


You often avoid taking an extreme or one-sided stance on anything.

You have a strong desire for harmonious and pleasant relationships,

and express a spirit of cooperation, compromise, friendship, and


You very much want to be liked and because of your need for approval

and acceptance, you are easily influenced by others' opinions,

especially when young.

You so much want to please that often you will suppress your own

intense or unpleasant feelings in order not to offend others.

Sometimes your politeness is interpreted as phoniness or wishy-washiness.

Your need to create harmony extends to your physical

environment and personal appearance as well. You appreciate

beauty and have a natural sense of balance, symmetry, and

proportion. You do everything in good taste, with a sense of

style and art. From your home furnishings to your choice of

clothing, everything must be aesthetically appealing, not simply

functional or utilitarian.

You also feel that relationships are an art, one that

especially interests you and one that you are usually quite

skilled at, for you possess tact and acute awareness of other


Marriage is very significant to you and finding the

right person to share your life with is extremely important.

Being part of a close couple seems natural to you - you are not

an independent loner.

Having a partner increases your self-confidence. You do have a tendency, however, to become overly dependent on your partner and perhaps not to develop a clearly defined identity outside of the relationship.

Finding the balance between being yourself and blending and uniting with another is a challenge for you.

Others see you as an agreeable, smooth, harmonious, and

"nice" person. Though there may be much more to you, this is the

sort of face you show to the world. You possess personal charm

and an understated, noncombative manner.

Your motto could be

"you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar" for you

usually take a friendly, cooperative approach rather than a

strong, forceful, I'm-going-to-conquer-the-world attitude.

The Inner You: Your Real Motivation

You are, in many ways, an eternal child. Your mind is

bright, alert, curious, flexible, playful, and always eager for

new experiences - and your attention span is often quite brief.

You grasp ideas quickly and once your initial curiosity has been

satisfied, you want to go on to something else. You crave

frequent change, variety, meeting new situations and people.

It may be hard for you to decide just where your talents and

true vocation lies, for you have a multitude of interests and

are loathe to limit yourself by concentrating on just one. You

are easily distracted by all of the other fascinating

possibilities. Your curiosity and restlessness propel you into

many different experiences in life, and you are willing to taste

or try anything once. Doing the same thing over and over again,

even it is something you do well, is real drudgery for you.

You live in your head a great deal - reading, observing,

thinking, spinning ideas around - and you need mental

stimulation every bit as much as you need food and drink. In

fact, if you had to choose between a good book or movie and a

good lunch, you would very likely choose the former. You have a

creative mind and often live by your wits.

You are also a very social creature, with a strong need to

communicate and to interact with people. You enjoy using and

playing with words and have a real flair for getting your ideas

across in a clever, interesting, articulate manner. Writing or

speaking are areas you have talent for.

You also have a rather light and mischievous sense of humour,

and often do not take anything too seriously. Though you crave

emotional involvement, it is hard for you to achieve it, for you

are frequently unwilling to commit yourself to anything, to take

responsibility, or to limit your personal freedom and mobility.

Your happiness lies in using your creativity and your

language skills to communicate something meaningful, to teach,

inspire, or bring people together.

You have an unbiased mind and can usually offer a fresh, clear, uncluttered perspective.

Your faults are your lack of constancy and persistence, and your

tendency to overlook or ignore deep emotional issues and other

people's feelings.

Your Mercury is in Cancer

You are highly interested in inner, subjective, and personal

issues, and your thinking is based more on feelings, intuition,

personal experiences, and prejudices rather than reason or


Intellectual abilities and accomplishments without heart or soul mean little to you.

You are empathic and would be an excellent counsellor, for you are a sensitive listener and deeply interested in a person's feelings and inner life.

In addition to psychology, you are drawn to education, art, poetry, music, or mythology.

You are not especially confident about speaking in public, but will open up and share your thoughts in small, intimate groups.

You enjoy keeping a diary or personal journal and reading the chronicles of others' lives and personal development.

Who else has Mercury in Cancer?
Martha Stewart, television host
Diana, Princess of Wales
Kathy Bates, actress
Michelle Kwan, skating champion
Bill Cosby, comic, actor
Tim Allen, comic, actor
Tom Hanks, actor
David Duchovny, actor
Michael J. Fox, actor

Your Neptune is in Scorpio

You are part of a 14 year group of people that have very

intense psychic sensitivity and imagination. Your age group is

very attracted to the strange, weird, and unusual. The sense of

the macabre and bizarre is strong, and this is reflected in much

of the music, art, and fashions of your age group. Novels and

movies with mystery and chilling suspense are also popular with

your age group. Emotional depression, drug use, and suicide are

likely to be relatively high in your age group. There is also a

deep mystical sense, and Eastern religions and meditation are

very attractive to your age group.

Your Rising Sign

Libra Rising:

If your Rising Sign is Libra, it's hard for anyone to say

'no' to you. You seem so charming and persuasive, people can't

help but accommodate you! You likely look smashing even if

you're just running to the market for milk. You may seem

outwardly indecisive, but you're so irresistible that you'll

find those around you more than happy to make up your mind for

you. Keep vanity and sulkiness -- two less attractive Libran

qualities -- in check. Luckily, Libras avoid conflict at all

costs -- expect tons of harmony, fun and lots of carefree


Positions of Planets at Birth:

Sun position is 27 deg. 50 min. of Gem

Moon position is 7 deg. 36 min. of Can

Mercury position is 20 deg. 26 min. of Can

Venus position is 21 deg. 53 min. of Tau

Mars position is 15 deg. 14 min. of Gem

Jupiter position is 9 deg. 29 min. of Can

Saturn position is 29 deg. 17 min. of Pis

Uranus position is 15 deg. 48 min. of Vir

Neptune position is 19 deg. 52 min. of Sco

Pluto position is 15 deg. 57 min. of Vir

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Monday 5 February 2007 - 10:35AM (GMT) Edit | Delete

Comments from Yahoo 360

(7 total)

do u think Moon would let us bottle some of U?

i've seen jellybeans bottled up and labeled as happy pills....

yours would be candy corn labeled as needed phils...

Thursday 8 February 2007 - 01:47AM (CST)

Phil...I had one of those done one time...and it is actually amazing how accurate they are. I have to go dig mine out now...I want to read it again!

Monday 12 February 2007 - 09:09AM (EST)

i am actually more the Yr of the Horse than i am my actual Leo'ness.

Monday 12 February 2007 - 09:26PM (CST)

From a roaring lion to a galloping horse?

Here's the Horses Profile:

People born during the Year of the Horse have a pleasant, amiable, easy going disposition which guarantees popularity and a large following of friends. Blessed with good humor and geniality, they are extremely comfortable to get along with for they have the knack of instantly putting people at their ease.
Charming and cheerful, the Horse is an extremely likable character. Hard working, self-possessed and sharp, the Horse skillfully acquires power, wealth and respect. However, the Horse's sometime-appreciated frankness can be tactless. The Horse's impatient pursuit of success may become selfish and predatory. Horses can be obstinate. In truth, they are more cunning than intelligent, and they know it. This is why, despite that air of assurance, the Horse lacks confidence in himself.
Above all, the Horse is cut out to be in politics, a career which could bring great personal satisfaction with the opportunity to grind his own axe. He could be a winner here, for he has the facility to sway the crowd.
He is very quick-witted and he is right in there with you before you have had the chance to finish what you were saying; he's on to the thought in your mind even before you've expressed it. This permits the Horse to forestall any arguments that anyone can dream up.
With the Horse, movement is everything. Freedom and independence are as essential to Horse-born people as the air they breathe. A low boredom threshold, both in terms of interests and friendships, is characteristic of those belonging to this sign, and adds a whimsical quality to the otherwise level headedness of these folk. Consequently, they tend to act on impulse, and this means there is an element of unpredictability about them. Sometimes they change their minds before completing a project, giving others the impression of irresponsibility. This behavioral pattern of stopping before completion may result from being born halfway through the twelve-sign cycle.
Like the symbol by which they are represented, Horse-born people are high-spirited and lively. Their vivacity and enthusiasm make them very popular. With a deft sense of humor, Horses are masters of repartee. They love to take center stage and delight audiences everywhere. Sometimes rash and willful, they can be prone to rapid changes of mood and, although seldom really explosive of temper, when they do see red, it is not a pretty sight. Those who have suffered a Horse's rage will never feel quite the same about him again, for his fits of temper are inevitably a bit childish. If he wants to succeed, he has to master them. Rebelliousness is another difficult Horse trait. Because of his carefree nature, the Horse needs plenty of room for self-expression or he can become bitter and exhibit destructive behavior. Also, the Horse can become overtly jealous and offensive if he senses that someone else is valued more or treated better. He reacts by competing and promoting himself in order to win favor.
Resourceful, self-confident and mentally alert, Horses are quick to catch on and efficient in all their undertakings. Because of this ability, this dexterous and incisive mind of theirs, they can make accurate judgments and sound decisions instaneously. They are particularly skilled at handling money, very often in business dealings following their hunches. When it comes to intuition they have a sixth sense that is quite uncanny. Unfortunately, as the Horse is a creature of changing moods he's liable to lose interest suddenly in things he's taken up, whether it's a love affair, a single deal in business, or a whole career. He'll start again with the same determination, and he'll enjoy an equal success. He can make it in any career that demands neither solitude nor meditation, for he is an extrovert and he needs to be surrounded by people who approve of him and flatter him.

Tuesday 13 February 2007 - 04:30AM (GMT)

And there's more!

Due to their dislike of inactivity, Horses get involved in many sorts of works outside their chosen trade. Good with their hands and attracted to art, they are skillful craftsmen with a talent for innovation.
The first and second part of the Horse's life will be full of ups and downs. He will leave his home and family while he is still young, and this will bring its own disappointments. His love life will be by no means smooth. But the third phase of the Horse's life will be a peaceful one.
Also, it is better for the Horse if he is born in winter. Otherwise he may become overworked, and work is not his strong point.

You and I Sai are 'Fire' Horses and the following makes slightly less comfortable reading:

The six decades spanning the gaps between the years of the Fire Horse mean that this rare sign occurs only in the years 1846, 1906, 1966, 2026, etc. These years are bad for Horses themselves and bad for families who have a Horse in the house. This is because the Fire Horse's influence can change from beneficial to malignant, and during these years all Horse families will become subject to illness, accidents and bad luck in general.
Men and women actually born in the year of the Fire Horse will have the same characteristics as the ordinary Horse -- but they will be more accentuated, in the good qualities as well as in the bad. The Fire Horse will thus be a harder worker, a more cunning individual, more independent, more gifted ... and alas, far more selfish. His passionate nature and the frantic egotism which seizes him will lead him to commit his worst excesses when he is in love.
There are those who say that the Fire Horse can be a good influence in the heart of his own family. But popular belief asserts that he will make trouble in the home he was born in just as he does in the one he himself has built.
What we do know is that the Fire Horse will have a career that is more varied, more exceptional, more interesting than that of the ordinary Horse. The Fire Horse carries within himself the seeds of fame ... or of notoriety!

What do you reckon - fame or notoriety for us?

Tuesday 13 February 2007 - 04:35AM (GMT)

And finally:

The Horse in Love
When they fall in love, Horses seem to lose all logic, all sense of perspective. Unpredictable at the best of times, when they lose their hearts, there is simply no telling what the Horse-born will do next. These people possess an extremely low boredom threshold and soon get tired of the same people and the same situations. They love their independence and, as soon as they feel a partner is making too many demands or limiting their freedom, they will rebel and gallop off in search of new pastures. Noncomformists, free thinkers, thirsting for life, Horses risk daring romantic adventures. The idea of being married several times does not disturb them, and they adore children. Age eventually mellows the Horse, and those born under its influence who have not found stability when younger are likely to settle down in later life.
Conspirators together, the Horse can make his life with the Ram. He also lives in harmony with the Tiger and Dog. These two, intent on the solution of their own psychological problems, will pay no attention to the romantic instability of the Horse. He also has a good relationship with the Rooster, Monkey, and Boar. Under no circumstances must the Horse marry a Rat, in particular if the Horse is female and born under the rare sign of the Fire Horse (1906, 1966, etc.). Any liaison between these two passionate natures can only result in sparks which must lead to conflagration.
July is the month of the Horse. The time of the Horse is from 11:00 a.m. to 12:59 p.m.; their direction of orientation is the south. The Horse's color is orange.

Tuesday 13 February 2007 - 04:41AM (GMT)

i wasnt too fund with horoscopes and astrologies while growing up .... but with the unlimited internet resources, I came upon different asto~ sites and couldnt resist running my own profile .... am also very amazed at the accuracy of whatever astro profile these sites had generated for me ...... now arise the question ... could it be possible? HOW?

Saturday 17 February 2007 - 01:16AM (CST)

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