Monday, January 29, 2007

The Power of the Qu'ove Revolution

In response to a friend’s blog: MilkyWai’s vs. Butterfingers

I proudly present in all of my Quivering silliness poetry from the Dead Bird Society!

As I look into the sky today
And there I see the Milky Way
I am a MAZED I don't Catch it as my Quartz lingers!
You see; the Dodo's wings are truly butterfingers.

Perhaps like the infinite number of Martin Chowns
We have here a Dodo acting as a silly Clown
One day the Green spot will meet the Red spot
That'll be the day when we'll know if Christ is or Not

A Dodo Baptist I once was; of what clan am I now?
The clan that wants to show the Way of Qu'ove; and how?
Through the same Qu'ove as the one... I see hangin' on!
With his fingertips to a Cross... going wheeeee I Won!!
Through the roads of Colorado... exclaimin' I'm alive!
The Quiverin dodo feathers... a dancin' n doin' the Jive!

Whether I understand or know my peception and reality
I do the Qu'ove dance that's not to everyday normality
I ponder if I'm by Divine Creation or Charlie's Evolution
This Dodo chooses his last flight by the Qu'ove Revolution.

To stretch his imagination beyond the Zee and the Qudos
He'll go with the Endless Yes of the now existin' Dodos
Carrying the Gospel of Qu'ove to the ones Extinctified
Just as did the King of Humanity who was once Crucified.

Oh through the same Qu'ove as the one... I see hangin' on!
With his fingertips to a Cross... going wheeeee I Won!!
Through the roads of Colorado... exclaimin' I'm a live!
The Quiverin dodo feathers... a dancin' n doin' the Jive!

May the Power of the Qu’ove be with You!
This blog is dedicated to all my Mystabewildered blogging friends.

Comments from Yahoo 360

(6 total)

o my Quiet Heavens, U have more than 2 Mystabewilder'ed friends?

U R a Lucky Man!

Sunday 28 January 2007 - 10:25PM (CST)

Well I don't know to be honest... it depends how many willing dead birds I can find!

Wednesday 31 January 2007 - 12:36AM (GMT)

define dead...

Tuesday 30 January 2007 - 07:44PM (CST)

Dead as in... willing to be dead to the world, dead to insults and hatred, dead to religions, dead to conformity, dead to jealousy, dead to competition, material wealth and greed, dead to perfectionism, dead to selfishness, and so on...

but Alive as in willing to be alive to the creative human mind and the imagination, alive to the exploration of endless possibilities, alive to the acceptance of facts and knowledge, alive to the continuous path of learning "down the road less travelled", alive to the awareness of all that is going on, alive to the genorosity of the soul and spirit, alive to unselfishness, alive to simplicity and individual freedom, alive to experience happiness, alive to compassion and caring, alive to the power of forgiveness, alive to the cause of humanity, alive to humanity's responsibilities as guardian of earth, alive to fun and laughter, and above all things alive to the power of Qu'ove...

Do you care enough to join the Qu'ove Revolution???

Wednesday 31 January 2007 - 08:12AM (GMT) that a dashboard Jesus you've got there?

Thursday 1 February 2007 - 02:18PM (CST)

Uhmm.... that's my Dad I think...

Saturday 3 February 2007 - 01:37AM (GMT)

1 comment:

Sai Something Loud said...

SHE SAID: Elvis Lives unless your Baptist and it’s Easter morning then it would be Jesus Lives. And yes Jesus Lives. He lives inside some people but not inside others. If you are one of those GodFearin’ Christians then I think your most of most’ess’ness needs to be concentrated on those others.

I know some around here who are of the other clan. Let me rephrase that to be more accurate. I don’t know anybody here that is of the other clan. But, I am sure that when I do officially get introduced to them that I will make a point to tell my piece. Yeah, I know there are a few of you reading this: going’ yeah right, like she ever says what she feels! LOL.

I do know of some folks that are not of the believing mind that Jesus Lives and they are professed Non’Christians. And some of those folks even blog within these ever seaux close Bloggin Walls or would that be windows?

I cannot do Marcus Chown any justice but I can sai this: inside the Endless Yes of the We who do Exist in the Here & Now ~ R only as real as our Tomorrow Hearts make us.

Perception & Reality mixed with Longevity are what makes us Daddy of the Year…

And/or Mommy in the case of the Shoe that fits!