Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Goodbye 2006

2006 has been a year of making big changes in my life. Finding a creative side inside that Quartz of mine was one of the key discoveries of this year... I don't know if discovery is quite the right word - I think it's more a realization of something that's always been there in the background. It was there but it was discreetly blended into the rest of my psyche that it wasn't so obvious until I really looked closer and saw it.

Over many years my mind has been moulded to think in straight lines and this is the year in which all of a sudden I seem to have an urge to make those straight lines more crooked. Perhaps it's a side effect of going through a period of an introspective mid-life analytical crisis - A Quirky Quartz...

This was the year in which:

I got divorce, and got married twice…

I finally broke even after years of debt…

I turned 40…

I loss my sister Ann after she had battled with breast cancer for more than 5 years…

I started writing blogs…

I invented Q-ology...

I visited the Great Wall of China…


Life is a weird and strange experience!

In case you’ve been wondering where I’ve been lately…

Moon and I went to the UK for our Christmas vacation. For Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day we stayed at my ex’s place in Wales where we all enjoyed Christmas midnight church service, Christmas Lunch at home and a Medieval Banquet at Ruthin Castle.

I arrived back in Shanghai yesterday and today’s my first day back at work.

Hope you all had a super Christmas and I hope you all have a successful and brilliant 2007 as I am going to have!

Sit back and enjoy the ride as this Quirky Quartz gets into action!

Comments from Yahoo 360

(3 total)

I missed you, lil bro, glad to see you back...

Tuesday 9 January 2007 - 08:51AM (CST)

AWESOMELY Analytically Politically Correct yet Truthfully Soulful BLOG...

I envy You!

Tuesday 9 January 2007 - 09:49PM (CST)

Sorry to be so late with this, but I hope you had a great holiday season. Like you, Bao Anh and I were very busy, mostly visiting kids at the handicapped centers, orphanages and even in the streets. We dressed in red and were often mistaken for other famous personalities (no, not Elvis and yes, I'm implying we are also famous, at least to one another!). We had a great time and seemed to be on the go constantly. The kids outside of our apartment are convinced I am No En (Santa Claus) and Bao Anh is my wife! Woo woo! We followed that up with a trip to Vung Tau and have been laying low ever since-healing for next December's run! Actually, I've been working on a new painting of three boys from Tra Vinh. I also noticed that you lost a sister in 2006, as did I. My sister died in October, as I was on my way to deliver a speech in Phoenix, Arizona during the Vietnamese Autumn Latern Festival. Since this was to raise money and awareness for our kids here in Vietmam, I did what I know she would have wanted me to do...I gave the speech! I wish you and Moon a very Happy New Year-Chuc Mung Nam Moi! I look forward to hearing from you often and hearing about all of your adventures!! I promise to do the same, my friend.

Thursday 18 January 2007 - 06:36PM (ICT)

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