Wednesday, October 3, 2007

What the Stork Delivered

... A beautiful baby girl called Lizzie.

Lizzie takes a feed from the bottle by her Grandma.

For someone like me who comes from a well developed country (or so we say) choosing (jointly with Moon) to allow Lizzie to be born by planned c-section in one of Vietnam's state hospitals wasn't an easy choice that lay comfortable in my mind. I encountered a few 'shocks' (some cultural) about the way things are done here but not withstanding I am pleased that she has received a very high standard of care by the medics and hospital staff.

Lizzie, after a couple of days delay, is now beginning to feed well from her mother's breasts. Moon is recovering well from the section and has started to take walkabouts for excercise. By my memory of my son's birth also by section 11 years ago I seemed to remember his mother recovering more quickly... but then again memory can play tricks. Moon will come out of the hospital sometime tomorrow.

Yesterday, I enjoyed holding Lizzie for a good while on several occasions, and helped Moon get comfortable with the 'art' of breastfeeding her daughter. Moon has the luxury of a room with with one other mother and baby, with a tv, and their own bathroom. There are other c-section mothers who cannot afford this privilege and have to share a room with 7 others without tv and have to use bathroom facilities shared by several rooms.

I'm in a rush, so I have to go...

Hoping to have better pictures to show in due course.

Tags: lizzie, stork, baby | Edit Tags

Wednesday 3 October 2007 - 04:50AM (GMT) Edit | Delete


(9 total)

She's beautiful!

Wednesday 3 October 2007 - 12:35AM (CDT)

Congratulations guys! Are you guys in Hanoi now? for how long? Lizzie is a beautiful name for a beautiful girl!

Wednesday 3 October 2007 - 02:57PM (ICT)


Wednesday 3 October 2007 - 10:47AM (EDT)

What a lovely baby and thankyou for sharing

Wednesday 3 October 2007 - 05:32PM (CEST)

awwww! she's so adorable!

good job, u guys!!!!

Wednesday 3 October 2007 - 12:41PM (CDT)

Lucky you! Congratulations...enjoy every minute of it. Babies are small for such a short time. My baby is 6'4"...and it seems like just yesterday I bought him home from the hospital.

Wednesday 3 October 2007 - 02:56PM (PDT)

Congratulations. She's so adorable.

Thursday 4 October 2007 - 07:35AM (CDT)

She is so beautiful, Phil! I hope that Moon is recovering nicely and you are getting used to changing baby diapers. Actually, if I know Vietnamese grandma's, you may be having your time with lizzie rationed, since most of the time Granny will be holding onto that newborn! LOL.

Tuesday 9 October 2007 - 09:05AM (ICT)

Congratulations to both of you, glad to hear that both mother and daughter are doing well.

Sunday 14 October 2007 - 08:28PM (BST)

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