Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Announcement - Time Travel Conference Venues

Tale of Time Travel Debate from Quingland and the Sony Sponsored Concert

As some of you will know by now I’m a Quindo; a cousin of the dodo.

Like the dodos, we once lived on an island in the middle of the Quacific Ocean. Actually, we still do live on that island - it’s called Quingland. Also, like the dodos we are an extinct species, and if you haven’t yet worked it out by now then I shall tell you that I’m a dead quindo, well, at least from the perspective of the four dimensions of which you mortal humans are familiar.

Quindos can’t fly although our earlier ancestors from the first four dimensional world could. We can however walk, and we can walk through space and time, just as you mortals can walk on earth with your two feet.

My name is Quindo, although that might seem obvious to you since I am a quindo after all, I have to also tell you that we are not all called Quindo here. That would be very silly since it would get quite confusing if we all had the same name. It just happens that I was given that name. I’m the leader of a revolution and here we call it the Qu’ove Revolution.

I live in the fifth dimension. The number five is quite important to us here. Quindology is a subject we take very seriously – the study of fives. I suppose that might be where we get our name quindo from, who knows?

The fifth dimension we live in is interspersed with the first four dimensions. You cannot see our fifth dimension because it’s kind of like very small and all wrapped up in itself. I’d probably confuse you even more, if I told you that there are another five dimensions like ours. These are all spatial dimensions. Then there’s an eleventh dimension, but hey, I don’t want to lose you with confusion…

Oh… did I mention the 12th dimension? Oh I’d better not just now.

We quindos are currently having a great debate among ourselves about whether we should pass on our recently developed technology on time travel to you mortals in the lower four dimensional world. One of our participants of this debate is a quindo called Albert. Once, he told us, that he was a very well known human physicist, and he developed some theories about gravity. He said among them he had a Special one. I don’t know if it’s relative to our discussion or not about time travel but he seems to like wrapping up the first three dimensions with the fourth one of time and calling it space-time! Albert says we shouldn’t introduce time-travel to the mortal world because he says most mortals would not understand the implications of what they could do with it.

We are holding several time travel technology conferences to discuss this extremely important topic and we hope to reach a satisfactory resolution soon. I ought to tell you, my dear mortals that I’m on your side and I will be voting in favour of introducing time travel technology to our dear mankind mortals. Another of my quindo friends here is called Elvis. He’s on our side too! Elvis said he used to be a King when he lived as a human mortal. He said he was a kind of revolutionary leader and good with music. Elvis says the idea to introduce time-travel technology ‘rocks’!

As the leader of the Qu’ove Revolution, I have been given the privilege of setting the venues and their times for the conferences. In the final conference we have decided to have the participation of our mortal friends and provided they are present to witness the voting and the voting is in our favour then we can proceed to introduce our technology to the lower four dimensional world of mortals. Exciting eh!

Right so here are the venues and times as follows:

First conference:

Venue: Mauritius in the Pacific Ocean, Time: Wednesday 16th February 1681, 4:30 pm (PCT)

After the conference there will be tea and biscuits and we can sit to watch ‘The shooting of the Last One’!

Second conference:

Venue: 112 Mercer Street, Princeton. Time: Friday 19th March 1948, 5:00 pm (EST)

After the conference there will be coffee and cake and we can sit and watch a duo-violin concert of some Mozart played by Albert and Albert. I hear it’s going to be screeching stuff!

Third conference:

Venue: Wembley Stadium, London. Time: Saturday 30th July 1966, 1 pm (GMT)

After the conference there will be beer and hot dogs served and we can watch a football match. It’s going to be very exciting… we will be using our time-travel technology for action replays… apparently we are going to need it!

Fourth conference:

Venue: Moon, in the southern sea of tranquility about 20 km (12 mi) southwest of the crater Sabine D. Date: Saturday 20th July 1969, 6 pm (UTC)

After the conference there will be saline solutions served in foil bags and liquidized food. At approximately 8.10 PM (UTC) we will sit on the edge of one the craters to watch some men land on the Moon for the first time in their history. Neil will be doing a speech about footsteps and giant leaps. Buzz ‘Lightyear’ will be performing the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Please take care not to step in front of the camera view during their filming session otherwise viewers on earth might get confused and think they are watching an episode of the Clangers.

Fifth conference:

The venue for the final and most important conference: Quingland’s National Conference Centre, Quingshire County, Quingland, Quacific Ocean. Time: Saturday 31st August 2097. This will be an all day conference beginning at 9:00 AM (QST) mainly because we have to allow time for our mortal friends who will be attending to witness the vote to enjoy their stay here on our beautiful island. They will be traveling to Quingland the evening before and staying at our 5 star Grand Quingland Hotel. We will close the debate at midday and commence voting immediately using the buttons provided in the armrest of our chairs. Now then, Now then… you can trust me that our chairs are better than the one Jimmy Fix-It used to sit in 120 years earlier. The voting results will be announced at 2:00 PM (QST). Afterwards, in the event of a ‘Yes’ outcome we will have an astronomically sized fireworks display for our celebrations and we’ll all participate in the game of Sony’s Wipeout 2097 and blast each other to smithereens on our ultra large 150m Sony HD Flat Screen with our Quake Disruptors. Live bands will be performing music from the 1990’s era. Believe me; it’s going to be Mega Cool! However, in the event of a ‘No’ outcome, then I’ve decided to tone down the celebrations with a live screening of the 100th anniversary memorial service of Princess Diana’s death from Buckingham Palace in London. This is going to be filmed globally (well, I know as I’ve already seen it and I can tell you a little secret; Elton John’s adopted son is going to be playing Candle in the Wind).

A message to my fellow quindos: please no cheating by traveling ahead of time to find out what the outcome will be and then going back in attempt to change the outcome to your desired choice. Such activity is not acceptable and time-trespassers will be severely dealt with and prosecuted accordingly. Maximum punishment by the Quinglish Courts is transportation to Mauritius in the year 1575 AD and left there without access to our precious time-travel technology. You’ve been warned!

Finally, a message to my dear mortal compatriots, please, please, please be sure to turn up for this fifth and final conference. If you don’t think you’ll be alive at the time of the conference, then don’t worry, you can attend in the fifth dimension, but at least tell your children and grandchildren about my announcement about the possibility to introduce this time-travel technology to the four-dimensional world of mortals in 2097 because mortals must be there - I was given this instruction from the 12th dimension you know.

Incidentally, should we succeed in being allowed to introduce our fabulous time-travel technology, then please be aware that implementing it we believe will be a staged process that will take approximately 150 years. It depends on who will volunteer for reincarnation to the four-dimensional world at the time and their capability to understand string theory at its highest levels of development. Sorry to disappoint you guys but hey it’s not a perfect world is it!

© Qu'ove Revolution 2007

Comments from Yahoo 360

(21 total)

Oh! Oh! Sign me up!

Also, if you happen to speak to the Doctor, ask him to wear his 9th face. I'm sort of smitten with that one. Thanks.

Wednesday 28 March 2007 - 09:22AM (CDT)

Shira; oh yes we love his 9th face too and quite often wears it at our get togethers. I've signed you as the first one on the list. Thank you!

Wednesday 28 March 2007 - 02:35PM (GMT)

  • Anonymous

Wow, that's amazing, it's so high brow it's untrue! I felt like i had a phd in astrophysics by the time i'd finished reading it. I'm very impressed, and like shira, you can sign me up, particularly for the 5th conference, i'm very interested to see what Elton & David's adopted son will look like (will he have any hair???) and Princess Di has always been my queen of hearts! Looking forward to the next big read! Zelda :0) p.s. why does my photo not show up on here? Am i doing something wrong?

Wednesday 28 March 2007 - 09:12AM (PDT)

Can I come please Philo.

The number 5 is important to me - it's my favourite bus. I like tea, biscuits, coffee, cake and hotdogs but can I have lager please instead of beer? Sorry about this special request. I know it's highly irregular.

Wednesday 28 March 2007 - 05:38PM (BST)

Hi Zelda; thanks for dropping by! Really glad you enjoyed it. It's just the kind of uplift I need. Elton's adopted son, they called him Garibaldi... I think you probably set your photo to appear only in the 5th dimension. I'm sure another look at your profile will sort that out. ;-)

Wednesday 28 March 2007 - 04:57PM (GMT)

Hey Julie! Thank you for popping by! That's cool your favourite bus being number 5! I've jotted you down for a special brew of Quingland's finest lager brew and your on the list for premium row seats. You'll love it!

Wednesday 28 March 2007 - 05:02PM (GMT)

Ta Philosophical. Yeah the 5 - Nottingham to Derby. But who would want to go to Derby anyway? Hope you're English or you won't get that. Probably won't anyway.

Wednesday 28 March 2007 - 07:13PM (BST)

I hope I'm not to late to be included...sign me up please. I want to attend anything that Elvis is it's entirety. I'm packing my bags as I type this!

Wednesday 28 March 2007 - 03:08PM (EDT)

Hi Phil, thanks for inviting me to the conferences, I do want to see Albert know I have a weakness for crazy hair.....I do promise this time that I won't be doing shadow puppets on the moon, at least where the tv cameras can record them......

Wednesday 28 March 2007 - 09:08PM (CDT)

Derby? erm... I did live in a place called Glossop once, that was in Derbyshire, but Derby?... no, sorry Julie don't recall ever having heard of that place.

Thursday 29 March 2007 - 04:51AM (GMT)

Kim! So glad you're signing up too. You'll love it. Elvis will be joining in with the live bands playing the 90's stuff. Just imagine... a 50's & 90's mix! The whole world's gonna be rockin'

Thursday 29 March 2007 - 05:03AM (GMT)

i will be watching from the mountains. once i officially move, i have no desire to leave my Hermit'age lifestyle. i will be writing books about life, love, syndromes which shouldn't be allowed to get in the way of love, sadness, hatred, loneliness, the what if's, the what could've beens, the should haves, the i want more from my relationship and the 12 steps to get it, the developing big balls to selfEsteem, and once every now and then i will write in my Sai series.

i plan on having a hellacious satellite in order 2 connect with u through....

Thursday 29 March 2007 - 01:10AM (CDT)

Donna; provided the 112 Mercer Street conference goes well and everbody approves of the 'Duo Alberts' screeching violin duo, then 'crazy hair' will be invited to perform at the live celebration concert in Quingland along with Nigel Kennedy and Vanessa May. Dear Sis, I'm just sooooo excited...

Thursday 29 March 2007 - 06:24AM (GMT)

Sai, to her ladyship's special request we have the most stunning mountains near Quingland's National Conference Centre (QNCC) here you can continue your hermitage lifestyle during your stay in Quingland. The crisp and crystal clean Quinglish air will permit excellent sound-travel of the 'live' atmosphere and music right to your cave! You'll have a fantastic view of the astonomical fireworks display from those mountains believe me! Our Quindo-synchronised Satellite Technology will ensure that you get the best quality picture on your flatscreen TV which we will have installed especially for you in your cave. Sai, I'm confident you'll have the most Wonderful experience up there all alone in those mountains... and I have every confidence it will instill the most imaginative inspirations for your writing.

Tch... the things I have to do to please these mere mortals!

Thursday 29 March 2007 - 06:36AM (GMT)

hahahaha... this is awesome... I'll see you there (it'd be great to see all of your fellow quindos.... hahahahaha)

Thursday 29 March 2007 - 05:52PM (CEST)

Last time I was at one of these things those two blokes from The Time Tunnel turned up and started a fight. What is it with those two anyway? They invent a time machine and then use it to voyage into the past and punch the living daylights out of great historical figures.

Anyway, I've set the temporal co-ordinates so you can expect my TARDIS to materialize around tea time (fish and chips for me, mate - lots of salt and vinegar).

Thursday 29 March 2007 - 01:21PM (EDT)

PS We've reached the highest stage of development with String Theory and it's a dead end. Serves those scientists right for nickin' their ideas from old Superman comics!

Thursday 29 March 2007 - 01:24PM (EDT)

I've already told you I'm ready for this - just let me know when to start

Thursday 29 March 2007 - 11:47PM (CDT)

The menacing sides of behavior are always in attendance, just as daylight forever casts a shadow. When the happiness is brightest, the behavior is deepest. When mortals discover their secreted manners, there is a control, a therapeutic sovereignty, and a resourceful release. Carl Jung unlocked mortals to this design, and the Reflection of oneself wants to get involved in the curiosity of inspired expression.

The Outline of Darkness emits her silhouette across a mortal’s course for three reasons. For one, mortals maintain repulsive bits of their behavior deep within the caverns of their soul. They face apprehension of what they may be capable of, who they really are, and what others might assume about the sides that humanity says are objectionably undesired. Independence and muscle are approximately around the bend when the Outline of Darkness sheds her light.

Secondly, the anxiety of the mortal circumstance is an image for inspired expression. Ingenuity repeatedly comes easier in intricate epochs. The outline knows and motivates mortal’s inventive air through unleashed passion and tenderness, alchemized to magnificence.

And third, originality has been depicted as an eminence close to foolishness. Although many artists and writers have led and unbalanced life, this is not a prerequisite for creativity. Nonetheless, to be open to our peculiarites, idiosyncrasies, and distinctively unconventional adaptation of life can offer us a guide for our uniqueness.

Friday 30 March 2007 - 02:04AM (CDT)

i think She was trying 2 sai with the Accomodations in which you have promised that you can provide for her in the Mountains of Quingland, that she will be in attendance... However, i believe she was trying to explain why she has the need 2 remain inside her Hermit'ness wai of Life...

She is a mere NORMAL NonConformist!!!!

Friday 30 March 2007 - 02:09AM (CDT)


Friday 30 March 2007 - 03:23PM (PDT)

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