Thursday, March 22, 2007

Mind your P&Qs: A Test of Faith.

Here I will give you some insight into what goes on in the Mind of Phil and his Quirky Quartz

Q: So Phil, do you believe in God?

P: Well there’s gotta be summit out there. I mean summit doesna cum outta nuffin does it?

Q: It seems that is what some atheists believe.

P: I know! Can ya baleeve it! I aff t’admire t’enormuss fayth t’em’atheists av fer believin wer’all made frum nuffin!

Q: Some might call it blind faith. They say you can’t see ‘nothing’ so to put your faith in the idea that from nothing came something is a very blind thing to do.

P: Them’athiest boffins says they proved it scientifically wiv a bit a maffs n all!

Q: Yes, they have a concept called symmetry and shown that all laws of physics are based on symmetries.

P: Theyze relly stoopid then! They orta luk at’em selves in t’mirror like, then they’ll knows wot symmetry is!

Q: Hmmm, one of these guys is a man called Victor Stenger, he’s written several books claiming that science clearly shows that there is no God. He says that out of the void of emptiness came the universe we know today, one full of mass and energy. He explains that something is more stable than nothing, so nothing had to turn into something. I know that’s it’s true that all things in the known universe behaves naturally in the direction from instability to stability.

P: An there wuz ah thinkin I’m men’ally unstable. Ah got sum ’ope then that ah gonna get more stable wen I’m alder. Am confuze cuz ah thot ah wuz gettin worse!

Q: Only, I learned later that his definition of nothing doesn’t actually mean nothing in the absolute sense. In his book “Has Science found God?” he explains very well the concept of symmetry and how it applies to all the well known laws of physics. He explains the concept of the void as best as he can in terms of empirical physics and readily admits that if we were to talk about nothing as “no” thing then it has no properties, but what he talks of as the ‘void’ he explains that it has the same symmetrical laws that also applies to the laws of physics.

P: An so wot yer sayin is: t’nuffin state in t’sense ov uh void is unstable n cun only b’cum sumfin cuz its more stable.

Q: Precisely Phil. He uses this natural symmetry concept to illustrate that you don’t need God as a component ‘force’ to have made the orderly universe because the creation of ‘order’ is a totally natural progression supported by all the known laws of physics and are based on symmetry. I enjoyed reading about this symmetry concept and for once I found it a concept that is not so difficult to understand.

P: Don ya jus luv uh genius oo explains thins’ n a way ah cun’understand. T’is brilliano!

Q: Yes only it’s not so ‘brilliano’ as you put it! Stenger uses the symmetry concept to dismiss the idea that there is a God. In my view, he could be right to the point that it removes certain conceptions of how God has created the universe. In fact, he is presenting very logical and convincing arguments to show what God is not. I would go as far to suggest that what he has shown might actually be a physical attribute of God – that is all things material within the known physical universe behave and happen naturally according to the laws of physics.

P: OMG Q! Ya deserve uh Nobel Prize fa realizin that!

Q: Let’s not go that far! I think Stenger’s books do make very worthwhile reading and he is capable of presenting intelligent and convincing arguments to dispel many a myth of Judeo-Christian-Islamic concepts of God along with the many ‘dreamed up’ and non-scientific theories that attempt to explain alternative medicine and the existence of psi and so on. But he’s wrong if he is trying to dismiss the whole caboodle of God. What he has done is shown that physical laws can never ever be used to prove the existence of the ‘supernatural’ or the metaphysical because all physical phenomena occur only according to the natural order of things. The metaphysical and the supernatural can never ever be reproduced in a scientific laboratory ever.

P: Ya goin by t’argument that Science n God don’t mix ain’t ya!

Q: And never the twain shall they meet! So Phil, do you believe in God?

P: Hey Q! Is this menna be uh test ov ma fayth?

Comments from Yahoo 360

(4 total)

Nice discussion, thanks Phil!

Thursday 22 March 2007 - 08:40AM (CDT)

Zezz..., u r like a gecko with full of colours :-P (will explain by request later). Anyway - good blog my dear! X

Thursday 22 March 2007 - 02:07PM (GMT)

You should talk to yourself more often, it's very enjoyable.

Thursday 22 March 2007 - 02:15PM (EDT)

Athiests are an irony. Without them we would not know some of what we know today. I say "Thank God for Athiests!"

I am also humoured by athiests. It's like they strip a piece of bark off the tree and they say this bark does not exist.

Sunday 25 March 2007 - 04:45AM (GMT)

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