Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Everybody Loves America!

Everybody loves America!

Well actually quite clearly NOT everyone loves America! Events five years ago make that clear. But what is it about America that causes so many to love to hate her?

Even coming from a country that is supposed to be America's closest ally; I have found that many Brits don't like much about America. In spite of the fact we speak the same language (well almost the same!) the cultural differences between the two nations are great. Perhaps because we see so many movies from Hollywood that portray America in poor light they negatively influence the way we think of this country? We see too many guns, drugs, violence and racism; we see hyped up commercialism, a diversity of strange cults and religions; we see media images of war, invasions, and terrorism; we see obesity, sexual deviation and financial indulgence; we see trailer trash shows like Jerry Springer's; we see grotesque consumption of the environmental resources; and we see an obsession with everything 'big' on a mega scale.

Although I see the same 'crimes' everywhere else on this globe, it always feels like I saw it in America first. When each July 4th passes by and they pompously parade their Stars and Stripes to much noise and fanfare through the streets and declaring 'God Bless America' I am left wondering time and again why didn't God let Mad King George hold on to the reigns? Perhaps a more civilised nation would eventually have risen? Perhaps not?

On the whole, for all its faults, I actually like America! I might not like everything I see there, in fact I don't like a lot of what I see there, but I still truly like America and her people. I hope for an opportunity to spend some time there both on vacation and to work there. If the chance arises I will seize it like the first pioneers to that continent seized the land! I'd love to travel across many of the states, explore her cities, towns and varied countryside. For I know I'll discover and learn many good things.

Because I have travelled to many places I have found prejudices I once might have had toward people from other nations have slowly disappeared. When you are brought up with a certain culture, you live by that culture as if it's the only morally acceptable way, even if you don't think it consciously, in the subconscious you unavoidably tend to. It's direct exposure to the different cultures that most effectively helps to change our views. Acceptance and tolerance of other cultures become easier the longer you are exposed to it.

God loves America – maybe! I do too, just not quite with the same passion as some of you lovely yanks do!

Smile on me and make a comment - critical or otherwise. It will be greatly appreciated.

Comments from Yahoo 360

(4 total)
  • Anonymous


America has become a cultural hotch-potch over the two and half centuries, making it a nation adorable for any nationality/culture/religion to feel comfortable, get acclimatised to in ease...It is a free nation to realize your dreams or at least so as it is marketed by the Hollywood. Mind, it has it own troubles, it is yet to come to terms with, call it racism or their gun laws among the many which are to be despised.

The only thing I don't like about it is the bad nexus between business and politics that has been driving even its international policies. God! forbid, it does not bring such a might nation to its knees one day. I wonder whether the ordinary man in that 'democratic champion' has become powerless...

I bet everyone criticizing that nation would jump to joy if he were provided with an H1B....Kuods to that nation without roots that let itself raise to its power by trial and error...iconoclasts it their best.

Wednesday 13 September 2006 - 04:12AM (PDT)

Great comment. Thanks.

Thursday 14 September 2006 - 12:44AM (GMT)

It is funny! why am I getting posted as Anonymous here! I don't understand...

Friday 15 September 2006 - 08:37PM (EST)

You were not logged into your 360 account at the time you viewed my blog and I set my blog entries to permit anonymous comments. But hey thanks! Now I know who it was that commented.

Friday 15 September 2006 - 03:34PM (GMT)

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