Friday, September 22, 2006

The Turner Prize


Work stopped while Maurice's plaster dabs were considered for the Turner prize.

Following from my reading of friends blogs I was particularly interested in Gumlofujai's entry entitled 'Heaven and Hell' (I think that has something to do with manic depression but I digress)

Mentioned was the 'Turner Prize'. Now anyone with my namesake is bound to draw my attention and so I couldn't help but notice a comment made about the artist in 1816 by 'New Monthly Magazine':

'Excellent as are Mr Turner's lectures, in other respects there is an embarrassment in his manner approaching almost to unintelligibility, and a vulgarity of pronunciation astonishing in an artist of his rank and respectability.

Now why is it I find some affinity with this artist from such an outrageous comment as that?

Perhaps it's that constant yearning of wanting to be understood and knowing that if one chooses the path of an artist one is looking to express himself in his art. And I know full well that if I do that then what people are going to find will probably lead them to make comments along the lines of the one made by the New Monthly Magazine.

It could still be worse... I might be wearing that straight jacket joke a little too thin here but the fact is I might actually be wearing it... no wait a minute... that's a deja vue...

For now my art is in the writing I do and the occasional humour expressed therein. I wish those who are sadly curious enough to be an audience to my blogs the best of luck! Dear friends I thank you for those fresh cream cakes.

The following cartoons are borrowed from the website.

I just love them! Don't you?

The Guardian, 1984
Peter Clarke Guardian 1984


Heath Independent 1992


Jak Evening Standard 1993
Jak Evening Standard 1993
Image Vong Phaophanit 1993


Heath Independent 1993
Heath Independent 1993



Felix Bennett New Statesman and Society 1994
Felix Bennett New Statesman and Society 1994
Image Antony Gormley 1994


Mac Daily Mail 1995
Mac Daily Mail 1995
Image Damien Hirst 1995



Steve Bell Guardian 1998
Steve Bell Guardian 1998


Matt Daily Telegraph 1998
Matt, Telegraph Group Limited 1998
Image Chris Ofili 1998


Mac Daily Mail 1999
Mac Daily Mail 1999
Image Tracey Emin 1999



 Heath Mail on Sunday 2002
Heath Mail on Sunday 2002
Image Fiona Banner 2002

Comments from Yahoo 360

(1 total)

o thank the stars & the Moon!

i hope she understands the dung side of ur Turnerisms, too!

Sunday 3 December 2006 - 05:51PM (CST)

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