Tuesday, September 5, 2006

An interview with the Blogger - Part 2

10. Do you carry a sense of hope?

Oh absolutely! Hope is a vital driving force of humanity in my opinion. When I abandoned my Christian faith (something that kind of happened slowly) I certainly didn’t abandon any sense of hope. It’s hope that provides my life with a sense of purpose. I have this idea that for whatever mysterious reason we are not meant to really know about what lies beyond this life if anything does. I live with the hope that life is eternal for all of us, that we were created to learn and experience the myriad of things ‘existing’ brings to us, that mankind grows and matures to its destiny, and that our children carry on the things we started in our time.

11. How open minded are you?

I try to be as openly minded as possible. It’s inevitable though that if I have certain principles and moral codes I choose to live by then some of these codes will conflict with another person’s set of principles or moral codes and that may cause me to have less of an open-mind. My open-mindedness has contributed to the dismantling of my Christian faith but in so allowing myself to be open-minded I hope I have gained a more balanced view of the world and am better able to consider viewpoints of arguments from the other side.

12. Are you a sensual man and do you have erotic tendencies?

I think you’d better ask my wife that question! I’m not sure I know what you mean by erotic tendencies. I’d say I like to explore different aspects of sexual experiences provided they can bring something positive to the relationship.

13. What are your deepest regrets in life?
I don’t really carry regrets in my life but that’s not to say I’m not sorry for my mistakes or that I wish I could have done something much better than I actually did. I’m 40 years old and I don’t own a home. For all kinds of reasons I made poor choices that have led me to this current situation – but I don’t see the poor choices in terms of regret. I see them in terms of my humanity and fallibility. Even if I’m slow to learn from some of my errors I don’t mind so long as I’m learning and progressing. Staying happy and always being positive in everything I do is one of my personal mottos.

14. Do you believe in premarital or casual sex?

With a good sex education I think premarital sex can be a sensible course in a serious relationship. I don’t like the word casual sex. My opinion is that sex is not a casual matter because it seems to evoke strong emotional attachments especially for woman. However, there are certain kinds of people who are prepared to engage in sexual relations with more than just one partner and I believe this is ok if all involved are aware of their responsibilities and know how to handle their emotions. This is not a road I’ve been down so I’m not really in a position to judge it.

15. Now that you are married what do you hope to bring to it?

A happy family, lots of fun, adventure, discovery, inspiration and new opportunities.

Final Part to follow...

Can you think of a caption for the Goldfish cartoon?
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Comments from Yahoo 360

(3 total)

This room bodders my Aspergers!

Sunday 29 October 2006 - 06:55PM (CST)

Thanks Sai! I've been waiting nearly 2 months for someone to provide a caption on the Goldfish cartoon! That entitles you to a prize... two years free subscription to my blog! Congratulations and well done!

Monday 30 October 2006 - 01:05AM (GMT)

did u know that i didn't read all of this the first time... and still haven't done that todai... I am hunting for the #18 you spoke of... i'll Be back...

and not 2 challenge the moon or make her angry... i think U copped out on the #12....

Tuesday 5 December 2006 - 04:57PM (CST)

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