Thursday, September 28, 2006

I'm Marrying a Moon Cake! Are You?


It’s that time of year again… festival time! Something to do with moon cakes I think. Here in China every one’s getting ready for their annual week holiday. Every where I look in Shanghai shoppers are carrying their gold foiled bags filled with elegantly presented gift boxes inside of which are a variety of cakes and liquored drinks.

And I’m about to set off to Vietnam this evening to celebrate my marriage to my Moon “cake”! There will be some four hundred guests next Tuesday evening at the Kim Lien hotel in Hanoi. I’m not a big crowd person so I’m feeling a little nervous (please wish me luck and courage). Once I’m there I’ll surely be shining along with my Moon and enjoying the cake!Image

The “cake’s” parents and family have been fantastically busy preparing for the big occasion and I know they have all worked so hard in organizing it. I’m proud of them and I truly hope they will really enjoy the day. In a way it’s their big day to celebrate their only daughter-cake’s marriage to a humble English man.

Later in the week we hope to be traveling up to Tuan Chau Island for a few relaxing days where I shall indulge in a delicious cake eating experience.Image Image

I hope to be able to post some pictures of the big day and our trip to Tuan Chau Island on my Yahoo Flickr album.

In the mean time I would like to wish you all a very happy harvest festival of whatever kind wherever you may be on the planet. Have your cake and enjoy! Image

Comments from Yahoo 360

(6 total)

Wow! man, thats great news to hear, I mean read. All the best wishes for your big day mate and a happy holiday.

Thursday 28 September 2006 - 07:17PM (EST)

Thanks,and a big congrats to you and your moon cake.Enjoy....and relax you'll do great!

Thursday 28 September 2006 - 09:01AM (EDT)

Congrats to you&your moon-cake.Oh your going to enjoy yourself in Vietnam.Can't wait to see the pictures.Best wishes for both.Don't be to sure you will do just fine:) Have fun!

Thursday 28 September 2006 - 08:27AM (PDT)

Thanks for the hugs,Phil.Hope I'll be able to give you both real big hugs one day...soon.Congrats!!

Friday 29 September 2006 - 05:23PM (ICT)

Wow !!! Have a wonderful time to you both ... Send my regards to your "cake" .... hehehe

Sunday 1 October 2006 - 07:58PM (ICT)

Thank you all for your support! Today's the BIG day. We've been busy preparing and going round meeting some of Moon's friends. Most of Sunday was spent at the bridal studios (from 2pm until 1am!!!) having photos done in various outfits! Speak to you all soon.

Tuesday 3 October 2006 - 03:35AM (GMT)

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