Friday, September 22, 2006

Tuyet dinh tinh ca - Most Wonderful Love Song (don't ask!)

This Vietnamese poem (taken from somewhere deep in the cyberjungle) I present in the spirit of cheekiness and fun.

It's a poem from a husband about his wife. Please allow me to get one thing straight: my Vietnamese knowledge is as about as good as my knowledge of Quantum Physics. Luckily, however, with the kind assistance of my Dear I have attempted a paraphrase translation into English. The Vietnamese poem uses some slang and words from the countryside.

Tuyet dinh tinh ca

Du khong sinh de ra ta.

Nhung cong nuoi duong that la lon lao.

Khi ta dau om xanh xao.

Vo lo cham soc hong hao khoe ngay.

So ta di trat duong ray.

Vo lien theo doi keo ngay ve nha.

Khi ta tan tinh ba hoa.

Vo lien ''quat nat'' de ma ran de.

Loi vo day phai lang nghe.

Mai sau ''khon lon'' ma khoe moi nguoi.

Noi ra xin hay cho cuoi.

Vo ta ta so!

Vo nguoi ... con lau!

And now for the English paraphrase...

The Most Wonderful Love Song!

Even though I wasn't born of my wife.

Her mothering love is great in my life.

And when I'm really very sick and I feel most poorly,

My Dear takes care of me and I recover most surely.

Because she worries I'll take the path the wrong way,

My wife makes sure to bring me home straight-away.

When I waste my time to do some bloody odd things,

My Dear makes sure to give me some hardy scold-ings!

She says, 'You have to listen to my words and advice my Dear'

She says, 'And when you are grown up you'll be good my Dear'

I confess this secret - Of my wife I'm afraid: forever,

Don't be hopeful though - Of another man's wife: not ever!

Comments from Yahoo 360

(7 total)

Keep up the Vietnamese lessons - I'm just about beginning to understand you.

Thursday 21 September 2006 - 09:38PM (PDT)


Friday 22 September 2006 - 09:34PM (EST)


Wednesday 27 September 2006 - 11:45AM (ICT)

you are funny. ;)

Wednesday 27 September 2006 - 11:48AM (ICT)

Khung? khiep',Nguoi ta thuong noi' " Phong ba bao~ tap' khong bang` ngu~ phap' Viet nam", the ma` Phil dich duoc bai` nay` ra tieng Anh, bai' phuc.My admiration to you!I hope some days I will translate one of the most wonderful love song into "tuyet dinh tinh ca"in Vietnamese -_^.

Friday 13 October 2006 - 05:41AM (ICT)

dont know if its a diabetic coma or just pure confusion!??

Sunday 3 December 2006 - 06:08PM (CST)

I don't think it's the most wonderful love song. Just says about the wife in a funny way.I used to read many others more fun^^.Anyway you can understand and translate it as you did is so great^^.

Saturday 24 February 2007 - 05:46PM (ICT)

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