Wednesday, September 20, 2006

That's it I'm Exposed Now...

That's it I'm Exposed Now ... - 20060920

RULES: Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things/habits about themselves. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things/habits as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "TAG... YOU'RE IT" and tell them to read your blog."

I’ve been tagged by my wise but not so old Big Sis so here goes:

  1. I can make my ears wriggle like Londoner Stan Laurel and he was a man with a good sense of humour so we’ve got something in common. I’ll prove it to you sometime on this blog although I suspect I could be getting myself into another fine mess here….

  2. Although sometimes (when I’m angry) my voice goes all squeaky I can actually talk lower than Barry White. I will prove that one sometime too.

  3. I insist on sleeping in my birthday suit every night… yeah I know I’m receiving therapy for it ok! I have a feeling a straight jacket might actually be coming my way next birthday… that just might be a more appropriate birthday suit to sleep in?

  4. I have this rather disturbing condition where I cannot help but embarrass my lovely wife by walking around the apartment in the same suit that I insist on sleeping in. I can pro… no wait a minute that might be stepping outside Yahoo 360 terms and conditions… and in any case if I do step outside it could be rather cold in that suit…

  5. It gets worse I’m sorry… I’m suspected of being into bestiality. You see I’m keen on the act of loving because it’s in my name but that’s why people suspect it… my name means lover of horses. Well I can confirm this unfortunate passion runs in the family for many generations back – my great great great great great grandfather was a jockey who won the St Leger Stake several times… for this terrible affliction I could be receiving a straight jacket sooner than I think!

  6. Talking of afflictions… I regretfully suffer from ‘Angry Tourettes’. I can prove this… please watch my avatar carefully. I can’t help this blinkin’ habit alright! And that’s something that some people think the Kaiser Chiefs sing in their song. Listen carefully and you’ll understand what I mean.

I'm tagging New Kid, As I Am, Jessica, Dan, Phil and Smileycat. Enjoy the game.

Now I'm really predicting a riot?!

Comments from Yahoo 360

(4 total)

Phil, I wrote my weird stuff on my blog dated 12 August 2006. You aren't weird at all....:-)

Wednesday 20 September 2006 - 08:28PM (EST)

hahahahahahaha, love it. I'm picturing you in the straight jacket, and the "suit", wiggling your ears! How will I get this image out of my head? :)

Wednesday 20 September 2006 - 08:16AM (CDT)

Hahaha! Cool, thanks. I've been tagged before though. Check out my older blogs; you'll find I'm a complete weirdo! lol

Thursday 21 September 2006 - 12:10AM (BST)

here i sit
n my bed
wundering wat all
runs through your head

i know u r funny guy
but i 2 know u be serious
there r several thots
that keep me delirious

i hope i continue
to see your funside
i really like your brain
but i'm hanging on 4 the lifetime Ride...

Sunday 3 December 2006 - 06:21PM (CST)

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