Friday, September 8, 2006

Interview with the Blogger - Part 3

16. What does success mean to you and how do you measure it?

I live this life to enjoy, explore, discover and learn new things. I also live to enjoy interaction with other human beings and to share what I experience with them. If I achieve this then I consider that a success. If I can make a difference to a lot of people then that's an even bigger success!

17. Who is the most influential person in your life to date?

I don’t think I have an answer to that one. Many people have influenced me, ranging from my parents, brother and sisters, my ex, my son, my wife, and a number of friends past and present. I dare not single out one person as the most influential…

18. How are you perceived by others?

Well I know people don’t join a queue to become my friend! And I know people have said to me that I’m not easily approachable… I have my personality and whatever it is to others I do sincerely wish it to be warm, good humoured and welcoming. Of the few who know me more closely I am liked and even loved…

19. What’s your outlook on the world?

I keep my outlook as bright as possible. There’s always hope. And if I can continually impart hope on others, then I’ll have reason to keep on smiling right on to the end.

20. What are your deepest desires?

Am I supposed to have deep desires? If I do then I don’t know them well… Perhaps, if I desire anything at all, it is simply to be happy in all that I do because I think if one is not happy then it’s difficult to function well as a human being. If I’m happy I can then help others to be happy.

21. How can I get to know you better and be your friend?
Just come to me, if you find I have a guard in place, get a sledgehammer and smash it! I promise you won't regret it. Then spend some time to talk with me, to laugh and have fun, and just to be around…

Comment from Yahoo 360

(5 total)

Great blog - I hope I have the courage to share things bout me like this.

Thursday 7 September 2006 - 08:25PM (PDT)

Success means a variety of things to me. Havin' Crohns Disease since my early 20's this pain in the ass of a disease (literally hehe)has put a giant damper on my to travel and even doing the simplest of errands... just going to a store without wondering first (do they have a bathroom there?) has basically made my home the safest place to be, tending to my beautiful backyard and working on one too many arts and crafts projects. Here... I am queen of my castle and with plenty of toilet paper to boot..hehe !Some people never run outta prewrapped sporks from fast food joints...I never run outta TP. LOL Though with the help of a great Gastro doc. (and countless worthless ones) I was able to have monthly infusions and get back among the living...and now able to stand on my own and have lived to tell the tale..(gee...yer the first person I've told on this site)...guess you're easy to talk!Thanks Phil! Other successes..a cartoonist in my spare time drawing and recreated many famous cartoonists work (Disney, Pooh, Tigger and friends, etc) then finally taking the time to come up with my own..called
Cat's Cartoon Land staring me Cat. It's easy copying someones elses thoughts and artistry..the hard part is creation in ones own mind. I'll share Cat and some of my previous work sometime in a new photo album of my work. Well..I see that there are many questions in just one blog. I will give them to you in segments...will work on question number 2. the next time!
SmileyCat : )

Friday 8 September 2006 - 07:18AM (PDT)

Geez...just noticed this blog was "Part 3"...answering question 16. Ugh....I have a lot of typing to do. Thank God I love to type.!!
The Jabberwalkie...SmileyCat over and out!

Friday 8 September 2006 - 07:21AM (PDT)

I'm flattered Smileycat! That was really nice.

Thursday 14 September 2006 - 12:49AM (GMT)

#18... i am the same wai... however, my really bad trait is that I am SUPER DISTRUSTING of everyone. I belive Guilty until proven innocent, yes even N the world of reality....

Tuesday 5 December 2006 - 04:59PM (CST)

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